David Mertz, Ph.D.
Alternator, Gnosis Software, Inc.
October, 2002
YAML is a data serialization format that is both easily human-readable and well suited to encoding the data types used in dynamic programming languages. In contrast to XML, YAML uses very minimal and clean structural indicators, relying largely on indentation of nested elements. More important than than the superior syntax of YAML, however, is the far better semantic fit between YAML and "natural" data structures for many tasks.
I suppose the very first question on readers' minds has to be,
"why the name YAML
?" There are a number of tools that have
cutely adopted acronyms of the form "YA*", to mean "Yet
Another XXX." In the arms race of open-source wit, YAML
eschews its implied acronym, instead settling on the recursive
"YAML Ain't Markup Language." There is a certain sense to
this, however: YAML does what markup languages do, but without
requiring any, well, markup.
Although actually no less general than XML, YAML is a great deal simpler to read, edit, modify and produce than XML. That is, anything you can represent in XML, you can represent (almost always more compactly) in YAML; the one case where some special pleading is necessary is with namespaces--you could "bolt them on" to YAML, but they are not in the current spec.
A criticism I have frequently raised of XML in this column--and
one that I am far from alone in emphasizing--is that XML is
poorly focussed. It is a classic committee-driven behemoth, it
tries to be a document format, a data format, a message packet
format, a secure RPC channel (SOAP), an object database;
moreover, XML piles on APIs for every style of access and
manipulation: DOM, SAX, XSLT, XPATH, JDOM, and dozens of less
common interface layers (I have contributed a few of my own in
the gnosis.xml.pickle
, gnosis.xml.objectify
packages). The remarkable thing is that XML
does all these things; the disappointing part is that it does
none of them particularly well.
YAML aims more narrowly to cleanly represent the data structures and data types one encounters in dynamic programming languages like Perl, Python, Ruby, and to a lesser extent Java. Bindings/libraries currently exist for those languages. A number of other languages have data models that would "play nice" with YAML, but no one has written libraries yet: Lisp/Scheme, Rebol, Smalltalk, xBase, AWK, etc. Less dynamic languages would fit less well with YAML. In syntax, YAML combines the contextual typing of Perl with the indentation structure of Python, with a few conventions from MIME standards thrown into the mix. Somewhat as Python is sometimes praised as "executable pseudocode", YAML's concrete syntax is very close to the way you might informally explain a data structure to a class or work group.
I think the easiest way to see why you would want to use YAML is to start looking at some code in different formats. For this installment, I imagined creating a little application with a data storage and transmission requirement. My particular toy project is inspired by the "Brains in Bahrain" chess tournament that is being played at the time of this writing between the FISA world chess champion and the best ranked computer player--take my data details with a grain of salt. Suppose you wanted to create a program that tracked the activity of a chess club, you might utilize a data structure that would be described by the following code. In Perl:
$players = { 'Vladimir Kramnik' => {'status'=>'GM', 'rating'=>'2700'}, 'Deep Fritz' => {'status'=>'Computer','rating'=>'2700'}, 'David Mertz' => {'status'=>'Amateur', 'rating'=>'1400'}, }; $club = { '_players' => $players, 'matches' => [ {'Date' => '2002-10-04', 'White' => $players->{'Deep Fritz'}, 'Black' => $players->{'Vladimir Kramnik'}, 'Result' => 'Draw' }, {'Date' => '2002-10-06', 'White' => $players->{'Vladimir Kramnik'}, 'Black' => $players->{'Deep Fritz'}, 'Result' => 'White' } ] };
Python is pretty close here:
ts = yaml.timestamp # or mx.DateTime or othr date class players = { 'Vladimir Kramnik': {'status':'GM', 'rating':2700}, 'Deep Fritz': {'status':'Computer', 'rating':2700}, 'David Mertz': {'status':'Amateur', 'rating':1400}, } matches = [ {'Date': ts('2002-10-04'), 'White': players['Deep Fritz'], 'Black': players['Vladimir Kramnik'], 'Result': 'Draw' }, {'Date': ts('2002-10-06'), 'White': players['Vladimir Kramnik'], 'Black': players['Deep Fritz'], 'Result': 'White' } ] club = {'_players':players, 'matches':matches}
Other dynamic programming languages would use similar descriptions of the data structure. Basically, it is a top level dictionary/mapping/hash that contains both dicts and lists at a few recursive levels, and that also allows nested elements to refer to each other.
Presumably an application that managed the chess club would have capabilities to do things like record additional matches, add/remove players from the club, or update ratings based on matches played. Moreover, an application would want not only to record a data snapshot, but also share it with other applications (in other languages) that worked with the same data model. One more thing, it would be nice if we could easily touch up the data by hand outside of an application--anyone who has developed a data-oriented application or maintained an organizations records knows how helpful it can be to "poke at the guts" of underlying data structures.
Readers, of course, will have already picked up on the fact that I have rigged the deck. YAML is going to swoop in here as the right solution. But I do not think the setup is unfair. The way I structured the data is a whole lot like the way data often presents itself, at least in broad strokes. I chose to uses maps, and lists, references and data types above in precisely the places they each seemed most natural; and I chose the underlying problem merely as something that was complex enough to show the issues while being simple enough to fit in one article.
If you are willing to require a particular programming language
(and possibly version) for all chess club applications, most
languages have good serialization capabilities in built-in or
common libraries. For example, Python has cPickle
and pprint
; Perl has Data::Dumper
and Data:DumpXML
; Ruby has Marshal
; Java has java.io.Serializable
and various others. As
the names indicate, some of those libraries produce XML; but
just because it is XML, that hardly means that it is easily
transferable between languages.
In addition, there are a few general semantic problems with using XML to represent my chess club data. XML has the concept of unordered mapping for element attributes, but nested elements are strictly ordered. A particular application, of course, if free to ignore some of the ordering information; but the information model of XML always asserts a significance to order, often spuriously. For example, matches are considered meaningly to fall in a particular (date) order, while players are not inherently ordered (you could, of course impose an order such as rating or enroll-date). The problem here is that you need custom programming in every application to remove implied ordering information everywhere it is spurious; but to keep it where it is important.
A generic approach to representing mappings is taken by XML-RPC,
SOAP, gnosis.xml.pickle
, and the XML serializer libraries in
various languages. In all cases, the basic principle is simply
to use (rather verbosely) <key>
and <val>
(or similar tags)
to indicate unordered pairs, and use different container elements
to indicate ordered items. It adds several layers to remove part
of the XML information model, for example:
>>> import xmlrpclib >>> print xmlrpclib.dumps(({'this':'that', ... 'spam':('eggs','toast')},)) <params> <param> <value><struct> <member> <name>this</name> <value><string>that</string></value> </member> <member> <name>spam</name> <value><array><data> <value><string>eggs</string></value> <value><string>toast</string></value> </data></array></value> </member> </struct></value> </param> </params>
XML-RPC has a few additional artifacts--like the need to wrap the whole object in a one-item tuple--but those are minor issues. The awkward fit between the "native" and XML data models is equally evident in any of the mentioned XML serialization formats.
There are at least two families of issues involved in representing my chess club data as XML. The simpler issue is exactly what the best XML representation would be, in the abstract. Putting aside the later interface-with-application issue, I would propose something like the following as a best attempt in XML:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <club> <players> <player id="kramnik" name="Vladimir Kramnik" rating="2700" status="GM" /> <player id="fritz" name="Deep Fritz" rating="2700" status="Computer" /> <player id="mertz" name="David Mertz" rating="1400" status="Amateur" /> </players> <matches> <match> <Date>2002-10-04</Date> <White refid="fritz" /> <Black refid="kramnik" /> <Result>Draw</Result> </match> <match> <Date>2002-10-06</Date> <White refid="kramnik" /> <Black refid="fritz" /> <Result>White</Result> </match> </matches> </club>
The above XML data representation is fairly clear. It is not all that much more verbose than the native data descriptions given in the Perl and Python examples, nor than the YAML description below. It is not all that difficult to modify the document with general purpose tools like a text editor--in fact, that is exactly how I created the XML to start with.
Semantically, my proposed XML has all the problems discussed. Players appear ordered, even though they are not intended to be. And the player list appears to precede the matches list, even though no such conceptual order is meant. Player attributes are unordered, as desired (being XML attributes); but since match "attributes" cannot fit as XML attributes, an artificial order is again imposed.
The more important issue arises with actually reading and
writing my optimal XML format. None of the common XML APIs
comes even close to automating this operation. For example, a
SAX reader could look for various "player" and "match" events,
and manually add to relevant nested dictionaries or lists; but
this approach is fragile, and needs to be reprogrammed for the
slightest change in data structure during development. Walking
a DOM tree has the same issue. Custom APIs like JDOM
do not help much either. gnosis.xml.objectify
does a
fairly good job of automatically generating a "native" object,
but this is only any good for reading in the XML, not for
writing it back out. Writing, of course, is symmetric with
reading, with all the corresponding fragilities.
The YAML format just simply matches the data structures of dynamic languages better. And it looks nicer too. Let me display a YAML representation of the same chess club data:
--- players: Vladimir Kramnik: &kramnik rating: 2700 status: GM Deep Fritz: &fritz rating: 2700 status: Computer David Mertz: &mertz rating: 1400 status: Amateur matches: - Date: 2002-10-04 White: *fritz Black: *kramnik Result: Draw - Date: 2002-10-06 White: *kramnik Black: *fritz Result: White
There are a number of nice things about this format. See the YAML web site for exact specifications, but this brief sample gives you a pretty accurate idea of the basic elements. Intuitive means of including (multi-)paragraph strings are also in the spec. YAML is terse, while still being readable. Moreover, quoting is minimal, with data types being inferred from patterns (e.g. if it looks like a date, it is treated as a timestamp value unless explicitly string quoted). References can be used to any named target. And importantly, the distinction between ordered and associative collections is maintained. As an added bonus, it is awfully easy to edit YAML in a text editor.
None of the semantic and syntactic benefits listed above are really the strongest point for using YAML for my application. The best part is actually the uniform interface to the format in all the supported languages. I can read, manipulate, and write the above YAML data file as easily as:
import yaml club = yaml.loadFile('club.yml').next() # ...manipulate the 'club' data structure... club_yamlstr = yaml.dump(club) # ...do something w/ formatted YAML in club_yamlstr...
I use the .next()
method above because a YAML text can
contain multiple streams, each separated by "-". The data
structure in club
is exactly the same as in the one defined
in the prior pure Python definition, by the way.
In Perl (or Ruby or Java), the steps are almost the same:
use YAML (); my $club = YAML::LoadFile('club.yml'); my $club_yamlstr = YAML::Dump($club);
The roundtrip between YAML and native data structures is free. Well, very close. I found two minor drawbacks: (1) references lose their names (e.g. "*kramnik") and simply become numbered (e.g. "*1"); (2) targets are always spelled out on first occurrence--aesthetically I prefer to see a player's details in the "players" section, but that is not guaranteed by an unordered dictionary (the use of "_player" in the Perl/Python samples is a hack to force matters).
There are a number of features of YAML that I have not covered here. The formal specification is good, albeit somewhat difficult reading (as most specs). For example, the existing YAML libraries come with adequate--but not great--conversion tools from moving between XML and YAML; and there is some support for a technique called YPATH, which is the YAML version of XPATH.
What this introduction hopes to do is suggest some situations where YAML provides a better object serialization format than XML. To my mind, XML is not always the best choice for data representation--not even in many of those cases where it seems obvious.
The home page for YAML is:
The YAML specification has recently reached 1.0 level, and it can be found in its full glory at:
A number of my previous colums have looked at related topics.
REXML is a Ruby library for making XML look more like "native" data structures:
PYX is another format that is not quite XML, and is in some ways easier to process. But the semantics of PYX are essentially identical to XML, only the syntax is differs:
I looked at the object models of XML-RPC in comparison to
. Given my current hindsight, I like YAML
better than either of them (at least for a lot of purposes):
My Python tools gnosis.xml.pickle
and gnosis.xml.objectify
attempt to bridge some of the conceptual gaps between XML and
dynamic programming languages (at least Python specifically):
David Mertz wishes to let a thousand flowers bloom. David may
be reached at [email protected]; his life pored over at