XML MATTERS #17: PYX A Line-Oriented XML David Mertz, Ph.D. Simplifier, Gnosis Software, Inc. January 2002 XML is a fairly simple format. Rather than binary encoding, it uses plain Unicode text. All the structures are declared with predicatable-looking tags. Nonetheless, there are still enough rules in the XML grammar that a carefully debugged parser is needed to process XML documents; and a particular parser imposes a particular programming style. An alternative is to make XML even simpler. The open-source PYX format is a purely line-oriented format for representing XML documents that allows for much easier processing of XML document contents with common text tools like 'grep', 'sed', 'awk', 'wc' and the usual Unix collection. Libraries in a number of programming languages, as well as command-line tools, exist for converting between XML and PYX formats, and for working with PYX format. This article introduces the PYX format, and provides multi-language code samples. PREFACE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Regular readers of this column have almost certainly detected my dissatisfaction with the most popular techniques for manipulating XML documents. The articles that have discussed my Python [xml_objectify] modify has largely been in response to the complexity of DOM. My introduction to the Haskell [HaXml] library was primarily a reaction to a perceived obtuseness of XSLT. Continuing this pattern, I find SAX also to be far "heavier" than is necessary for many of the problems SAX solves. The SAX API is, by far, more lightweight than either DOM or XSLT--not only in terms of computer resources, but more importantly in terms of programmer effort and learning curve. Even so, even SAX demands that an XML programmer utilize a parser library, and conform to a callback API. The data inside XML documents simply is not complex enough to warrant these demands. In my opinion, there ought to be an easier way to handle XML documents; and in particular, one ought to be more free to use a variety of familiar tools and techniques when manipulating XML. Note: Portions of this article are based on my series for Intel Developer Services entitled "XML Programming Paradigms" INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The PYX format is a line-oriented representation of XML documents that is derived from the SGML ESIS format. PYX is not itself XML, but it is able to represent all the information within an XML document in a manner that is easier to handle using familiar text processing tools. Moreover, PYX documents can themselves be transformed back into XML as needed. It is worth noting that PYX documents are approximately the same size as the corresponding XML versions (sometimes a little larger, sometimes a little smaller); so storage and transmission considerations do not significantly enter into the transformation between XML and PYX. The PYX format is extremely simple to describe and understand. The first character on each line identifies the content-type of the line. Content does not directly span lines, although successive lines might contain the same content-type. In the case of tag attributes, the attribute name and value are simply separated by a space, without use of extra quotes. The prefix characters are: ( start-tag ) end-tag A attribute - character data (content) ? processing instruction A few characters are escaped in the PYX format. Newline characters that occur inside character data are always indicated on a separate content line, using the '\n' escape code. Tabs are escaped using the '\t' sequence, and can occur on regular (non-newline) content lines, wherever the corresponding tabs occur in the original XML. Backslashes, which are used for escaping are themselves escaped as '\\'. Note that spaces are not escaped, and usually some content lines will consist entirely of spaces (which might not be visually obvious in a text viewer). Lines are terminated by your platform-specific newline delimter. The motivation for PYX is the wide usage, convenience, and familiarity of line-oriented text processing tools and techniques. The GNU textutils, for example, include tools like 'wc', 'tail', 'head', 'uniq'; other familiar text processing tools are 'grep', 'sed', 'awk', and in a more sophisticated way 'perl' and other scripting languages. These types of tools both generally expect newline-delimited records and rely on regular expression patterns to identify parts of texts. Neither of the expectations is a good match for XML, as it happens. USING PYX ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let us take a look at PYX in action. PYX libraries exist for several programming languages, but much of the time it is most useful simply to use the command line tools 'xmln' and 'xmlv'. The first is a non-validating transformation tool, the second adds validation against a DTD. "Under the hood" the 'expat' and 'rxp' parsers are compiled into these tools; but a user does not need to worry about the APIs for those parsers. #----------- XML and PYX versions of a document ---------# [PYX]# cat test.xml Some text about eggs. Ode to Spam (spam="smoked-pork") [PYX]# ./xmln test.xml ?xml-stylesheet href="test.css" type="text/css" (Spam Aflavor pork Asize 8oz -\n - (Eggs -Some text about eggs. )Eggs -\n - (MoreSpam -Ode to Spam (spam="smoked-pork") )MoreSpam -\n )Spam One should notice that the transformation loses the DOCTYPE declaration and the comment in the original XML document. For many purposes, this is not important (parsers often discard this information also). The PYX format, in contrast to the XML format, allows one to easily pose a variety of ad hoc questions about a document. For example: what are all the attribute values in the sample document? Using PYX, we can simply ask: #----- An ad hoc query using PYX format (attributes) ----# [PYX]# ./xmln test.xml | grep "^A" | awk '{print $2}' pork 8oz Getting this answer out of the original XML is a huge challenge. Either one needs to create a whole program that calls a parser, and looks for tag attribute dictionaries, or one needs to come up with a quite complex regular expression that will find the information of interest (left as an exercise for readers). Complicating things is the contents of the '' element, which contains something that looks a lot like a tag attribute, but is not. Here is another task that PYX makes simple: let us try to dump the non-empty content lines of an XML document. One could do this with SAX, but doing so would require writing a little application with a 'characters()' handler, and empty skeletons of several other handlers. What we might like is something similar to 'lynx -dump' applied to HTML files. A one-liner, in other words. On possibility is: #----- An ad hoc query using PYX format (contents) ------# [PYX]# ./xmln test.xml | grep '^-[^\n ]' | sed s/^-// Some text about eggs. Ode to Spam (spam="smoked-pork") Sean McGrath's article (see Resources) has additional similar examples. GOING BACK TO XML ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The PYX format is sufficiently simple that just about any competent programmer can write a 'PYX2XML' tool in under an hour. Every line tells you exactly what needs to be output, whether a tag, PI, or content. There is only a very slight statefulness to the PYX2XML conversion--specifically, when an open tag is encountered, the next indefinitely many lines may contain attributes for the tag. After the attributes (if any) our output, a closing angle bracket is required. When the open tag is encountered, the conversion utility does not yet know whether attributes exist, or how many if so. Therefore, a "looking-for-attributes" state needs to be set to true or false. Unfortunately, despite the notable simplicity of the PYX2XML converstion, the tool 'pyx2xml.py' available at the Pyxie website is broken in alarmingly many ways. It does some spacing in the XML that looks odd, but which is well-formed. But far worse, there are actual programming errors that will crash the short script. Let me just provide a working implementation here for readers: #-------- Python script for PYX-to-XML conversion -------# import sys, os, xreadlines unescape = lambda s: s.replace(r'\t','\t').replace(r'\\','\\') write = sys.stdout.write get_attrs = 0 for line in xreadlines.xreadlines(sys.stdin): if get_attrs and line[0] <> 'A': get_attrs = 0 # End of tag attribues write('>') if line[0] == '?': write('\n' % line[1:-1]) # Proc Instr elif line[0] == '(': # Open tag write('<%s' % line[1:-1]) get_attrs = 1 elif line[0] == 'A': # Tag attrib name,val = line[1:].split(None, 1) write(' %s="%s"' % (name, unescape(val)[:-1])) elif line[:3] == r'-\n': write(os.linesep) # Newline elif line[0] == '-': write(unescape(line[1:-1])) # Misc content elif line[0] == ')': write('' % line[1:-1]) # Close tag OTHER CONSIDERATIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Pyxie project page contains a Python module called [pyxie]. This module contains a number of classes to work with PYX encoded documents in tree-based or event-based styles. If you adopt the PYX format for many uses (and if you use Python), it might be worth using some of these classes. But in a way, I feel like these classes somewhat miss the point. The virtue of PYX format is its simplicity, and accessibility with line-oriented tools. If one wants an in-memory tree representation of an XML document, DOM is already available to do just this. If somewhat less convoluted APIs are desired than those of DOM, one can also obtain tree structures using modules such as Python's [xml_objectify], Perl's [XML::Parser], Ruby's [REXML], and Java's [JDOM]. [pyxie] is similar in purpose, but has no real advantage. Similarly, if fully general event-oriented processing of XML documents is desired, one might as well use SAX or [expat], [pyxie] offers no special advantage here. There are times when one might want to process PYX documents in a way that is somewhat sensitive to the hierarchical structure of the data. At a certain point, one falls back into the same complexity one has with SAX or DOM, and the point of PYX is lost. But at an initial level of complexity, the only data structure one really needs to treat PYX in a hierarchical fashion is a tag stack. This is a fairly simple data structure requirement. For example, in sequentially processing the above test document, one would perform the following stack operations: 1. Push "Spam" 2. Push "Eggs" 3. Pop ("Eggs") 4. Push "MoreSpam" 5. Pop ("MoreSpam") 6. Pop ("Spam") In this simple case, the stack never gets more than two items deep, but in general it can get arbitrarily deep. Knowing when to push and when to pop is remarkably simple: Push when a start-tag line is encountered, pop when an end-tag line is encountered. Pop operations do not even need to know the end-tag string, since it is always the "last thing" that is popped by a stack. Actually, the PYX format would not lost any information by leaving off end-tag strings (but one might lose the convenience of self-identifying end-tags that do not -require- stack counts; for example, PYX2XML would be harder to write). At each point in the line-by-line processing of a PYX file, the single stack tells one everything there is to know about the hierarchical context of the current line. One can even construct an XPATH-style qualifier solely by peaking into the stack; potentially certain operations on content or attributes might depend upon this context. This sort of processing goes slightly beyond what one can usually do with basic text utilities, but it nonetheless remains more ad hoc, flexible, and simpler than the full blown APIs of an XML parser/interface. Resources ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The home page for Pyxie (the Python PYX library, and also C versions of the 'xmlv' and 'xmln' tools) is hosted by Sourceforge: http://pyxie.sourceforge.net/ An introduction to the PYX format written by Sean McGrath can be found at: http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2000/03/15/feature/index.html McGrath has also written a book that is largely about the usage of PYX, in combination with Python, called _XML Processing with Python_, Prentice Hall, 2000. This book was one of the titles I have reviewed in my _Charming Python_ column: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-cp12.html A perl library for working with (and converting to/from) PYX can be found at: http://search.cpan.org/search?dist=XML-PYX About the Author ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {Picture of Author: http://gnosis.cx/cgi-bin/img_dqm.cgi} David Mertz believes that most XML writers have only explained APIs, his point is to change them (or at least circumvent them). David may be reached at mertz@gnosis.cx; his life pored over at http://gnosis.cx/publish/. Suggestions and recommendations on this, past, or future, columns are welcomed.