David Mertz, Ph.D.
Filter, Gnosis Software, Inc.
October 2001
Think of the 4Suite set of Python modules as a "connoisseur's choice" of XML tools. With their range and sophistication, 4Suite tools give a programmer both a lot of power and a steep learning curve. But for moving beyond the base XML capabilities offered by recent versions of Python, 4Suite offers useful options.
In earlier installments of my Charming Python column (some also featured here in IBM developerWorks' XML Zone), I presented the Python XML modules included in standard distributions, as well as a few other modules that add some useful--but fairly limited--enhancements. What I left out of that discussion was the 800-pound gorilla of Python XML tools.
4Suite itself is only half of the rather grand open source project shepherded by Fourthought Corporation (and in large part by my fellow dW columnist Uche Ogbuji). The other part is 4Suite Server. If 4Suite is sufficiently rich and myriad that it takes a while to figure out what it is all about, 4Suite Server practically takes a leap of faith. In this respect, 4Suite Server is a lot like another big Python server project, Zope. 4Suite Server is a very general backend for storage, manipulation, indexing, and interfacing with XML document stores; and for integrating XML into existing processes and systems in ways that take advantage of the business logic (and data formats) already in place.
4Suite Server does a lot--in fact a lot more than this column will attempt to look at. For now, I would just like to take a look at 4Suite itself; and even there, only at bits and pieces that I find most interesting (and that I hope will be most useful to readers).
In part, 4Suite contains enhancements to existing PyXML
capabilities. One such enhancement is the (currently beta)
module, that can build a complex DOM tree much
faster than PyXML's default DOM implementation. But most of
what is in 4Suite is a set of tools for more advanced chores
than those in PyXML itself. In main, these tools are:
, 4ODS
and 4RDF
. Some words on each below.
The first thing to do with 4Suite is to download a distribution
from its website (see Resources). As well as the distribution,
you will want to grab the documentation file named
(or a tarball equivalent; until a
later version appears). The docs contains overlapping, but
apparently more complete descriptions of the 4Suite tools than
does the source archive. In particular, the documentation
archive contains two very useful directories called demo
that offer good guidance to the tools.
Most likely, you will need to obtain an update of the underlying PyXML distribution. The details seem to depend on the exact platform and Python version you use, and whether you obtain a binary or source version of 4Suite. But the safest approach is probably to download and install the most recent PyXML distribution first; then afterwards, install 4Suite.
Once you have the requisite parts installed, you should have a
few command-line tools available, and quite a few new modules;
most of the modules are under the Ft
hierarchy, but a few
updates within the xml
hierarchy are also made.
One thing Python has is a slightly embarrassing richness of DOM engines. Choosing the right one is not necessarily obvious. Installing 4Suite adds yet more options. With 4Suite installed you might use any one of the below almost-equivalent imports:
>>> from xml.dom import minidom as dom1 >>> from xml.dom import pulldom as dom2 >>> from Ft.Lib import pDomlette as dom3 >>> from Ft.Lib import cDomlette as dom4
The "standard" technique is to use minidom
pre-Python 2.0, this was less clear). pulldom
is built on
top of minidom
, but can selectively build subtrees. 4Suites'
is roughly equivalent to minidom
, but some
API differences might exist. 4Suite tools, moreover, rely on
. cDomlette
was mentioned above, and is a
potentially much faster way of building a DOM tree (but it is
beta, and might not be entirely API-compatible with other
Confused? So am I, in truth. But generally, if you cannot assume 4Suite is present, just use the Python standard imports; if you are using 4Suite, you will probably use higher level modules that take care of importing the DOM they want to have available.
The 4Suite tool that is most general purpose performs XSLT
transformations. 4xslt
is the command-line version. Its
source is worth exhibiting:
#!/usr/bin/env python from xml.xslt import _4xslt _4xslt.XsltCommandLineApp().run()
These two lines are all you need to perform an XSLT transformation; the pattern would be very similar in a CGI or other web-server context, or as part of a batch process. But right with the package one gets a command-line tool, much as one would with a tool like Sablotron, Saxon or Xalan. Of course, for Python programmers, it is nice to have a tool written in Python.
The particular flags available for 4xslt
can be found by
passing the --help
option. Mostly they are similar to other
command-line processors. Validation is optional, and URLs can
be specified as arguments. This lets you perform any
transformation on any XML document on the internet. Kind of
handy. For example:
% 4xslt -i http://gnosis.cx/publish/mertz/chap5.xml http://gnosis.cx/publish/mertz/chapter.xsl
The above should send to STDOUT the exact same HTML document
that was generated statically by Sablotron, and lives at
(discussed in XML
Matters #5, see Resources).
Incorporating 4XSLT transformations into larger Python applications is equally easy. Basically, the programmer just needs to pick a stylesheet, then run the transformation on an XML document. For example:
from xml.xslt.Processor import Processor proc1,proc2 = Processor(),Processor() proc1.appendStylesheetUri('mime.xsl') result1 = proc1.runUri('message.xml') proc2.appendStylesheetString(open('mime.xsl').read()) result2 = proc2.runString(open('message.xml').read()) print result1,result2
Moreover, since 4XSLT transformations are based on an in-memory
DOM tree, it is equally simple to apply an XSLT transformation
to just a particular node of the tree. Use the Processor()
method .runNode()
if you want to mutate the DOM subtree
according to the transformation; use .execute()
if you only
want to return the result of the transformation.
Another little command-line tool utility in the 4Suite package
is called 4xupdate
. The XUpdate specification provides an
analog of an SQL UPDATE
statement, but for XML
documents rather than relational databases. The idea behind
this specification is to give a lightweight means of making
small changes to XML documents, without requiring as much
custom programming as a SAX or DOM approach would require.
XUpdate instructions are themselves specified in XML, much like
XSLT is--and XPATH paths are used to identify document
positions for operations.
XPath is a general specification for describing node paths within XML documents. The XPath specification is integral to XSLT, but it is also used as part of other XML technologies. For example, when I decided to develop an indexer for large XML documents in a previous column, XPath was the obvious syntax to choose for describing parts of XML documents.
The xml.xpath
module that comes with 4Suite provides a
wrapper for further programming involving XPath descriptions.
While XPath per se does not require a DOM framework, in the
context of 4XPATH, what XPath provides is a set of utilities
for working with DOM trees. An XPath description can run
against a DOM (sub-)tree; a list of node objects matching the
description is returned. For example (adapted from a 4Suite
demo program):
from xml.dom.ext.reader import PyExpat from xml.xpath import Evaluate reader = PyExpat.Reader() dom = reader.fromString(some_function_to_get_XML()) path_descript = '/this/that/other' for node in Evaluate(path_descript, dom.documentElement): # do something with each matched node
In effect, the above code snippet causes the DOM tree to be
recursively traversed finding <other>
elements who have
parent <that>
and grandparent <this>
. But for a class of
problems, it is a lot easier just to give an XPath description
of the nodes we are interested in.
I will only point in the direction of what ODS does for two reasons. On the one hand, 4ODS is not really XML-specific itself; on the other hand, there are too many side issues to address in this installment. Mostly, 4ODS is part of 4Suite because 4Suite Server wants it to be available.
What 4ODS does is somewhat similar to what ZODB does.
Actually, in a way 4ODS is simpler, and it could be compared to
or xml_pickle
(that is, 4ODS does not include native
transactional capabilities). Basically, 4ODS is one of the
ways you can make Python objects persistent across application
runs. While worthwhile--and even difficult in most
languages--object persistence is handled pretty well by other
Python tools. The thing that is different about 4ODS is that
it specifically implements the ODMG Object Data Standard v,3.0
(which none of the other tools attempt to do). Amongst other
things, the ODMG standard uses the specification of object
formats in .odl
files. If you want it, the 4ODS allows more
formal design of persistent objects than does an ad hoc
approach like shelve
or pickle
RDF is a way of creating "metadata" about XML documents. 4RDF
is both a library and a command-line took, 4rdf
, for working
with the "Resource Description Framework." Naturally, RDF
documents are themselves in XML format. A good way to get a
handle on what RDF is about is to read Uche Ogbuji's
developerWorks columns on the topic (see Resources).
The 4Suite library adds a number of high-level capabilities to a Python/XML programmer's toolchest. 4XSLT fills a very needed gap in native Python XML tools. Some other 4Suite tools occupy more niche positions, but are worth exploring if your application falls in that niche.
The place to start for everything related to 4Suite is at its homepage. From there, you can download the latest version and its documentation, and also read a FAQ or join mailing lists:
Up to date versions of the PyXML distribution can be found at the below link. You will probably need a recent release to use the most recent 4Suite version (quite likely more recent than your underlying Python version). Of course, new PyXML's come with a few of their own goodies:
Several installments of my Chaming Python columns summarized a number of general XML tools for Python. The most up-to-date installment was "Revisiting XML tools for Python" and can be found at:
Earlier installments covered pretty much the same ground, but did not reflect a number of changes in both Python and the tools between the times of the articles. Still, those can be found at, "An introduction to XML tools for Python"
And, "A closer look at Python's xml.dom module"
Occupying the same space as 4XSLT is Pyana, which provides a Python wrapper to the Xalan engine. Pyana is a fairly new project, but Xalan is well-established. Information and downloads can be obtained from:
Also of note is PIRXX, which wraps the Xerces parser, and thereby provides yet another Python DOM option (along with SAX). PIRXX can be found at:
Uche Ogbuji has written several article for IBM developerWorks on RDF (and 4RDF). Many of the more advanced topics appear in his Thinking XML column. An general introduction to RDF in general is at:
An earlier XML Matters column that introduces XSLT can be found at the below URL. The example document and transformation used in this installment was introduced in back then:
Another XML Matters column was called "Indexing XML Documents." In developing the tool discussed, XPath was chosen as a means of specifying match locations:
If you are wondering about ZODB, probably the best place to start is with Andrew Kuchling's introduction to it. Find that at:
A formal introduction to RDF can be found at:
David Mertz, in his gnomist aspirations, wishes he had coined
the observation that the great thing about standards is that
there are so many to choose from. David may be reached at
mertz@gnosis.cx; his life pored over at
http://gnosis.cx/publish/. Suggestions and recommendations on
this, past, or future, columns are welcomed.