CHARMING PYTHON #B4: Parsing in Python with [SimpleParse]. David Mertz, Ph.D. Analyzer, Gnosis Software, Inc. December, 2001 A number of parsing tools have been written for Python. An earlier column dealt with the low-level state-machine (and therefore, parser) [mxTextTools]. This column discusses one high level parsing language built on top of Python. [SimpleParse] provides an EBNF-style syntax on top of [mxTextTools] that can greatly clarify the expression of grammars. WHAT IS PYTHON? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Python is a freely available, very-high-level, interpreted language developed by Guido van Rossum. It combines a clear syntax with powerful (but optional) object-oriented semantics. Python is available for almost every computer platform you might find yourself working on, and has strong portability between platforms. INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Formal parsers are a bit new to me, as perhaps to a number of readers. In this article, I introduce some basic concepts in parsing, and discuss a Python tool for peforming parsing. Hopefully, both readers and I will benefit from the exercise. Naturally, like most any programmer, I have frequently needed to identify parts and structures that exist inside textual documents: log files, configuration files, delimited data, and more free-form (but still semi-structured) report formats. All of these documents have their own "little languages" for what can occur within them. In fact, a number of installments of this column have dealt with these very matters. The way I have programmed these informal parsing tasks has always been somewhat of a hodgepodge of custom state-machines, regular expressions, and context driven string tests. The pattern in these programs was always, roughly, "read a bit of text, figure out if we can make something of it, maybe read a bit more text afterwards, keep trying." Parsers of the formal sort distill descriptions the parts and structures in documents into concise, clear, and *declarative* rules for how to identify what makes up a document. The declarative aspect is particularly interesting here. All my old ad hoc parsers were imperative in flavor: read some characters, make some decisions, accumulate some variables, rinse, repeat. As this column's installments on functional programming have observed, the recipe style of program flow is comparatively error-prone and difficult to maintain. Formal parsers almost always use variants on Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) to describe the "grammars" of the languages they describe. Those tools we look at here do so, as does the popular compiler development tool YACC (and its variants). Basically, an EBNF grammar gives names to the -parts- one might find in a document; additionally, larger parts are frequently composed of smaller parts. The frequency and order in which small parts may occur in larger parts is specified by operators--mostly the same symbols one sees in regular expressions. In parser-talk, each named part in a grammar is called a "production." Possibly without even knowing it, readers have already seen EBNF descriptions at work. For example, the familiar Python Language Reference defines what a floating point number looks like in Python as: #--- EBNF-style description of floating point number ----# floatnumber: pointfloat | exponentfloat pointfloat: [intpart] fraction | intpart "." exponentfloat: (nonzerodigit digit* | pointfloat) exponent intpart: nonzerodigit digit* | "0" fraction: "." digit+ exponent: ("e"|"E") ["+"|"-"] digit+ Or one might have seen an XML DTD element defined in an EBNF style. For example, the '' of a developerWorks tutorial looks like: #--- EBNF-style description in a developerWorks DTD -----# Spellings vary slightly, but the general notions of quantification, alternation and sequencing exist in in all EBNF-style language grammars. BUILDING TAG TABLES WITH [SimpleParse] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [SimpleParse] is an interesting tool. To use this module, you need the underlying module [mxTextTools], which implements a "tagging engine" in C. An earlier installment discussed [mxTextTools], which is powerful, but rather difficult to use. Once [SimpleParse] is layered on top of [mxTextTools], the work becomes a lot easier. What one does to use [SimpleParse] is really quite simple, and removes the need to think about most of the complexity of [mxTextTools]. The first thing to do is create an EBNF-style grammar that describes the language one wants to handle. The second step is to call [mxTextTools] to create a -tag list- that describes all the successful productions when the grammar is applied to the document. Finally, one actually -does- something with the tagtable returned by [mxTextTools]. For this article, the "language" we will parse is the set of markup codes used by "smart ASCII" to indicate things like boldface, module names and book titles. This is the very same language [mxTextTools] was earlier used to identify, and regular expressions and state-machines before that, in earlier installments. The language is far simpler than a full programming language would be, but complicated enough to be representative. We probably need to back up for one moment here. What the heck is a "tag list" that [mxTextTools] gives us? Basically, this is a nested structure that simply gives the character offsets where every production was matched in the source text. [mxTextTools] traverses a source text quickly, but it does not -do- anything to the source text itself (at least not when using the [SimpleParse] grammars). Let us look at an abridged tag list to illustrate: #----- Tag list produced from [SimpleParse] grammar -----# (1, [('plain', 0, 15, [('word', 0, 4, [('alphanums', 0, 4, [])]), ('whitespace', 4, 5, []), ('word', 5, 10, [('alphanums', 5, 10, [])]), ('whitespace', 10, 11, []), ('word', 11, 14, [('alphanums', 11, 14, [])]), ('whitespace', 14, 15, [])]), ('markup', 15, 27, ... 289) The elipses in the middle contain a bunch more matches. But the part we see says the following. The root production ("para") succeeds and ends at offset 289 (the length of the source text). The child production "plain" matches offsets 0 through 15. This "plain" child is itself composed of smaller productions. After the "plain" production, the "markup" production matches offsets 15 through 27. The details are left out, but this first "markup" is made of components, and additional productions succeed later in the source. AN EBNF-STYLE GRAMMAR FOR "SMART ASCII" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We have seen a glance at the tag list that [SimpleParse] + [mxTextTools] can give us. But what we really need to look at is the grammar that was used to generate this tag list. The grammar is where the real work happens. EBNF grammars are almost self-explanatory to read (although designing one -does- require a bit of thought and testing): #------------------ typographify.def --------------------# para := (plain / markup)+ plain := (word / whitespace / punctuation)+ whitespace := [ \t\r\n]+ alphanums := [a-zA-Z0-9]+ word := alphanums, (wordpunct, alphanums)*, contraction? wordpunct := [-_] contraction := "'", ('am'/'clock'/'d'/'ll'/'m'/'re'/'s'/'t'/'ve') markup := emph / strong / module / code / title emph := '-', plain, '-' strong := '*', plain, '*' module := '[', plain, ']' code := "'", plain, "'" title := '_', plain, '_' punctuation := (safepunct / mdash) mdash := '--' safepunct := [!@#$%^&()+=|\{}:;<>,.?/"] This grammar is almost exactly the way you would describe the "smart ASCII" language verbally, which is a nice sort of clarity. A paragraph consist of some plain text and some marked-up text. Plain text consists of some collection of words, whitespace, and punctuation. Marked up text might be emphasized, or strongly emphasized, or module names, etc. Strongly emphasized text is surrounded by asterisks. And so on. A couple features like just what a "word" really is, or just what a contraction can end with, take a bit of thought, but the syntax of EBNF doesn't get in the way. In contrast, the same sort of rules can be described even more tersely using regular expressions. This is what the first version of the "smart ASCII" markup program did. But this terseness is much harder to write, and harder still to tweak later. The below [re] code expresses largely (but not precisely) the same set of rules: #-------- Python regex's for smart ASCII markup ---------# # [module] names re_mods = r"""([\(\s'/">]|^)\[(.*?)\]([<\s\.\),:;'"?!/-])""" # *strongly emphasize* words re_strong = r"""([\(\s'/"]|^)\*(.*?)\*([\s\.\),:;'"?!/-])""" # -emphasize- words re_emph = r"""([\(\s'/"]|^)-(.*?)-([\s\.\),:;'"?!/])""" # _Book Title_ citations re_title = r"""([\(\s'/"]|^)_(.*?)_([\s\.\),:;'"?!/-])""" # 'Function()' names re_funcs = r"""([\(\s/"]|^)'(.*?)'([\s\.\),:;"?!/-])""" If you discover or invent some slightly new variant of the language, it is *a lot* easier to play with the EBNF grammar than with those regular expressions. Moreover, using [mxTextTools] will generally even be faster in performing the manipulations of the patterns GENERATING AND USING A TAGLIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For our sample program, we put the actual grammar in a separate file. For most purposes, this is a good organization to use. Changing the grammar is usually a different sort of task than changing the application logic; and the files reflect this. But the whole of what we do with the grammar is pass it as a string to a [SimpleParse] function, so in principle we could include it in the main application (or even dynamically generate it in some way). Let us look at our entire--compact--tagging application: #------------------ ---------------------# import os from sys import stdin, stdout, stderr from simpleparse import generator from mx.TextTools import TextTools input = decl = open('typographify.def').read() from typo_html import codes parser = generator.buildParser(decl).parserbyname('para') taglist = TextTools.tag(input, parser) for tag, beg, end, parts in taglist[1]: if tag == 'plain': stdout.write(input[beg:end]) elif tag == 'markup': markup = parts[0] mtag, mbeg, mend = markup[:3] start, stop = codes.get(mtag, ('','')) stdout.write(start + input[mbeg+1:mend-1] + stop) stderr.write('parsed %s chars of %s\n' % (taglist[-1], len(input))) Here is what it does. First read in the grammar, and create an [mxTextTools] parser from the grammar. The generated parser is similar to the tag-table that is found in the hand-written [mxTypographify] module discussed in an earlier installment (but without the comments in the earlier, of course). Next we apply the tag-table/parser to the input source to create a tag list. Finally, we loop through the tag list, and emit some new marked-up text. The loop could, of course, do anything else desired with each production encountered. For the particular grammar used for smart ASCII, everything in the source text is expected to fall into either a "plain" production or a "markup" production. Therefore, it suffices to loop across a single level in the tag list (except when we look exactly one level lower for the specific markup production, such as "title") But a more free-form grammar--such as occurs for most programming languages--could easily recursively descend into the tag list, and look for production names at every level. For example, if the grammar were to allow nested markup codes, this recursive style would probably be used. Readers might enjoy the exercise of figuring out how to adjust the grammar (hint: remember that productions are allowed to be mutually recursive). The particular markup codes that go to the output live in yet another file, for organizational not essential reasons. A little trick of using a dictionary as a 'switch' statment is used here (although the 'otherwise' case remains too narrow in the example). The idea is just that we might in the future want to create multiple "output format" files for, say, HTML, DocBook, LaTeX, or others. The particular markup file used for the example just looks like: #-------------------- ----------------------# codes = \ { 'emph' : ('', ''), 'strong' : ('', ''), 'module' : ('', ''), 'code' : ('', ''), 'title' : ('', ''), } Extending this to other output formats is straightforward. CONCLUSION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [SimpleParse] provides a concise and very readable EBNF-style wrapper to the underlying power and speed of the cryptic [mxTextTools] C module. Moreover, EBNF grammars are already familiar to many programmers, even if only in passing. I cannot -prove- anything about what is easier to understand--intuitions differ--but I can comment quantitatively on source length. The [mxTypographify] module that was manually developed earlier is the following size: #----------------- wc -----------------# 199 776 7041 Of these 199 lines, a fair number are comments. And 18 of those lines are an included regular expression version of the markup function that is included for timing comparisons. But what the program does is essentially identical to what ''--listed above--does. In contrast, our [SimpleParse] program, including its support files comes to: #----------------- wc typo*.def typo*.py ----------------# 19 79 645 typographify.def 20 79 721 6 25 205 45 183 1571 total In other words, about one fourth as many lines. This version has fewer comments, but that is mostly because the EBNF grammar is fairly self-documenting. I would not want to emphasize LOC too strongly--obviously, one can play games with minimizing or maximizing code length. But in a general way, one of the few real empirical results of work studies on programmers is that kLOC/programmer-month is fairly close to constant across languages and libraries. Of course, the regular expression version is, in turn, one third as long as the [SimpleParse] version--but I think the density of its expression makes it fragile to maintain and harder to write. And we saw in the previous installment that [mxTextTools] is considerably faster at runtime. I think, on balance, [SimpleParse] wins of the approaches considered. RESOURCES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ An earlier installment of this column (#14) called _Text Processing in Python with mxTextTools_ introduces the [mxTextTools] library that [SimpleParse] is built on top of: The reference module [mxTypographify] was built using [mxTextTools] directly. We see in this article how much more readable the [SimpleParse] version becomes: [mxTextTools] is now part of the larger eGenix package of extensions. Information can be found at: Mike Fletcher's [SimpleParse] can be found, along with a brief introduction to its usage, at: John Aycock's [Spark] module is in many ways a more sophisticated parsing framework than is [SimpleParse]. A number of Python developers have recommended [Spark] to me, which has the additional virtue of being pure-Python (with a corresponding natural disadvantage in terms of speed) [Spark] has a homepage at: Information on the ISO 14977 standard for EBNF syntax can be found at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {Picture of Author:} David Mertz would like to write, with Nietzsche, that these are the musings of an old philologist, but that untruth would unmask itself. But perhaps his (right here gratuitously plugged) forthcoming book, _Text Processing in Python_, will someday be mistaken for a cybernetic variant of philology. David may be reached at; his life pored over at Suggestions and recommendations on this, past, or future, columns are welcomed.