David Mertz, Ph.D.
Mesmerist, Gnosis Software, Inc.
September 2000
One of the great advantages of Python over most other
programming languages is the extreme runtime dynamism it is
capable of. As a consequence of having the handy reload()
function, we can write programs that run persistently, but
that load components that have been modified during the run
of the process. Pretty handy for services where continuous
uptime is critical. This column illustrates runtime program
modification by means of some enhancements to the Txt2Html
front-end discussed in an earlier column. Specifically,
our sample program will do a background check for new
versions of the Txt2Html conversion library on the Internet,
and download and reload any new version as needed without
manual user intervention.
Python is a freely available, very-high-level, interpreted language developed by Guido van Rossum. It combines a clear syntax with powerful (but optional) object-oriented semantics. Python is available for almost every computer platform you might find yourself working on, and has strong portability between platforms.
Let us paint a scenario for this column: Suppose you want to run a process on your local machine, but part of your program logic lives somewhere else. Specifically, let us assume that this program logic is updated from time-to-time, and when you run your process, you would like to use the most current program logic. There are a number of approaches to addressing the requirement just described; this column will walk a reader through several of them.
As this column has progressed, I have discussed ongoing
enhancements to my public-domain utility Txt2Html
. This
utility converts "smart ASCII" text files to HTML. Previous
columns discussed the web-proxy version of the utility and a
interface for the utility. It also happens that from
time-to-time I notice that some ASCII markup could be converted
in a more useful way, or I fix a bug in handling a particular
markup construct.
In fact, these columns are written in ASCII, and converted during the editorial process to the HTML format you are probably reading. Prior to sending a draft article off for publication, I run something like the following process:
txt2html charming_python_7.txt > charming_python_7.html
If I wanted, I could specify some flags to modify the operation; but either way, I just rely on the fact that the most current version of the coverter is on my local drive and path. If I were working on a different machine, or for readers who might want want to use the utility, the process is more cumbersome: check my website, compare version numbers and filedates (sometimes I make a change too small to number), download the current version, copy current version to the right directory, run the command-line converter.
There are several manual and moderately time consuming steps involved in the above. It ought to be easier, and it can be.
Most people think of the web as a way interactively to browse
pages in a GUI environment. Doing that is nice, of course.
But there is also a lot of power in a command-line. Systems
with the text-mode web-browser lynx
can largely treat the
entire WWW as just another set of files for command-line tools
to work with. For example, some commands I find useful are:
lynx -dump http://gnosis.cx/publish/. lynx -dump http://ibm.com/developer/. > ibm_developer.txt lynx -dump http://gnosis.cx/publish | wc | sed "s/( *[0-9]* *\)\([0-9]*\)\(.*\)/\2/g"
The first of these says "Display David Mertz' homepage to the console" (as ASCII text). The second says, "Save an ASCII version of IBM's current developerWorks homepage to a file." The third example says "Display the number of words in David's homepage" (Don't worry about the specifics, it just shows command-line tools being combined with pipes).
One thing about lynx
is that (with the -dump
option) it
does almost exactly the opposite thing as Txt2Html
: the
former converts HTML to text, and latter converts in the other
direction. But there is no reason not to be able to use
in the same fashion as lynx
. Doing so can be
accomplished with a short Python script:
import sys from urllib import urlopen, urlencode if len(sys.argv) == 2: cgi = 'http://gnosis.cx/cgi-bin/txt2html.cgi' opts = urlencode({'source':sys.argv[1], 'proxy':'NONE'}) print urlopen(cgi, opts).read() else: print "Please specify URL for Txt2Html conversion"
To run this script, just do something like:
python fetch_txt2html.py http://gnosis.cx/publish/programming/charming_python_7.txt
This does not provide you with all the switches of local
process, but it would be simple to add those if
needed. You can pipe and redirect the output just as you would
with any command-line tool. However, in the above version,
you can only process data files that can be reached by URL, not
local files.
Actually, fetch_txt2html.py
does something lynx
does not
(and neither does Txt2Html
by itself): it not only fetches
the data source from a URL, it also gets the program logic
remotely. If you use fetch_txt2html.py
there is no need to
even have Txt2Html
on your local machine; the processing is
remotely invoked (with the latest version), and the results are
sent back to you exactly as if you had run a local process.
Neat, huh? The local version of Txt2Html
can access remote
URLs just as with local files, but it cannot make sure it keeps
itself up to date... yet!
Using fetch_txt2html.py
assures that the latest program logic
is always used in conversions. Another thing this approach
does, however, is move the processor (and memory) requirements
onto the gnosis.cx webserver. The load imposed by this
particular process is not particularly high, but it is easy to
imagine other types of processes where processing on the client
is more efficient and desirable.
The way Txt2Html
is organized--like the way most programs are
organized--is with a couple core flow-control functions
assisted by a variety of utility functions. In particular, the
utility functions are the ones that I update fairly frequenty;
the core functions (main()
and a few others) will only be
touched in the event of a major rewrite. In short, what could
helpfully be updated at each program run is the utility
functions. Most of the time, in fact, most of the functions
will be fine in the main Txt2Html
module dmTxt2Html
To reflect this organization, I have pulled out copies of all
the text-manipulation utility functions into a support module
called d2h_textfuncs
. The same functions still exist in the
primary module, but the support module might contain more
up-to-date versions of functions. The d2h_textfuncs
is mostly a skeleton right now, but it might be filled in over
time. Most functions are merely commented headers, real
updated program logic can be filled in as needed. The support
module looks like the below (abridged):
"""Hot-pluggable replacement functions for Txt2Html""" #-- Functions to massage blocks by type #def Titleify(block): #def Authorify(block): # ... [more block massaging functions] ... #-- Utility functions for text transformation #def AdjustCaps(txt): #def capwords(txt): #def URLify(txt): def Typographify(txt): # [module] names r = re.compile(r"""([\(\s'/">]|^)\[(.*?)\]([<\s\.\),:;'"?!/-])""", re.M | re.S) txt = r.sub('\\1<em><code>\\2</code></em>\\3',txt) # *strongly emphasize* words r = re.compile(r"""([\(\s'/"]|^)\*(.*?)\*([\s\.\),:;'"?!/-])""", re.M | re.S) txt = r.sub('\\1<strong>\\2</strong>\\3', txt) # ... [more text massaging] ... return txt # ... [more text transformation functions] ...
In order to utilize the support module in its latest-and-
greatest incarnation, a few steps of preparation are necessary.
First, download the main Txt2Html
module to your local system
(this is a one-time step). Second, create a Python script on
your local system that reads:
from dmTxt2Html import * # Import the body of 'Txt2Html' code from urllib import urlopen import sys # Check for updated functions (fail gracefully if not fetchable) try: updates = urlopen('http://gnosis.cx/download/t2h_textfuncs.py').read() fh = open('t2h_textfuncs.py', 'w') fh.write(updates) fh.close() except: sys.stderr.write('Cannot currently download Txt2Html updates') # Import the updated functions (if available) try: from t2h_textfuncs import * except: sys.stderr.write('Cannot import the updated Txt2Html functions') if len(sys.argv) == 2: cfg_dict = ParseArgs(sys.argv[1:]) main(cfg_dict) else: print "Please specify URL (and options) for Txt2Html conversion"
A few comments are warranted concerning the dyn_txt2html.py
script. Notice that when the from t2h_textfuncs import *
statement is executed, all the functions (like
) that were defined previously in dmTxt2Html
are replaced by the t2h_textfuncs
version of the same-named
functions. Of coure, where functions in t2h_textfuncs
only commented-out placeholders, no replacement occurs.
One minor matter is that different systems handle writes to STDERR differently. Under Unix-like systems, you can redirect STDERR when you run the script; however, under my current OS/2 shell, and under Windows/DOS, the STDERR messages will be appended to the console output. You might want to either write the above errors/warning to a log file, or simply get in the habit of directing the STDOUT to a file (where it is probably more useful anyway. For example:
G:\txt2html> python dyn_txt2html.py test.txt > test.html Cannot currently download Txt2Html updates
The error goes to console, the converted output to a file.
A more interesting matter is why dyn_txt2html.py
does not
just download the whole dmTxt2Html
module instead of the
support module only. There are a few things going on here.
The t2h_textfuncs
support module is significantly smaller
than the main dmTxt2Html
module, especially since most of the
functions are stubbed/commented out. On a modem connection
this could be significantly faster. But download size is not
the main thing.
For Txt2Html
it probably does not matter if users
auto-download the whole latest module. But what about a system
where the program logic is distributed and especially
where the responsibility for maintenance is distributed? You
might have Alice, Bob and Charlie be responsible for modules
, Funcs_B
and Funcs_C
, respectively. Each of them
make periodic (and independent) changes to the functions under
their control, and upload the latest-and-greatest to their own
website (such as http://alice.com/Funcs_A.py). In this
scenario it is not feasable to have all three programmers make
changes to the same main module. But a script similar to
can straightforwardly be extended to try
importing Funcs_A
, Funcs_B
and Funcs_C
all at startup
(and fallback to MainProg
version if these resources cannot
be obtained).
The tools we have looked at so far get their dynamic program
logic by downloading updated resources at initialization. This
makes a lot of sense for command-line or batch processes, but
what about long-running applications. Such long-running
applications are most likely to be server processes that
respond to client requests continuously. In our case, however,
we will use the curses_txt2html.py
script developed for a
previous column to illustrate Python's reload()
The program curses_txt2html
is a wrapper for a local copy
of dmTxt2Html
. Without trying to address curses
a second time herein, it is enough to mention that
provides a set of interactive menus to
configure and run multiple, sequential Txt2Html
could potentially be left running in the
background all the time, and we would like it to be able to
utilize up-to-date program logic when we switch to its session,
and run a conversion. For this specific simple example, it
admittedly would not be difficult to close and relaunch the
application, and no particular disadvantages would be incurred.
But it is easy to imagine other processes that genuinely do
depend on being left running all the time, perhaps ones that
are stateful as to action performed in a session.
For this column, a new File/Update submenu was added. When
activated, it simply calls a new function called
. Aside from the curses
calls that relate
to providing some confirmation of what occurred, we have mostly
already seen these steps in other examples in this column:
def update_txt2html(): # Check for updated functions (fail gracefully if not fetchable) s = curses.newwin(6, 60, 4, 5) s.box() s.addstr(1, 2, "* PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE *", curses.A_BOLD) s.addstr(3, 2, "...downloading...") s.refresh() try: from urllib import urlopen updates = urlopen('http://gnosis.cx/download/dmTxt2Html.py').read() fh = open('dmTxt2Html.py', 'w') fh.write(updates) fh.close() s.addstr(3, 2, "Module [dmTxt2Html] downloaded to current directory") except: s.addstr(3, 2, "Download of updated [dmTxt2Html] module failed!") reload(dmTxt2Html) s.addstr(4, 2, "Module [dmTxt2Html] reloaded from current directory ") s.refresh() c = s.getch() s.erase()
There are two significant differences between dyn_txthtml.py
and our update_txt2html()
function. One is that we go ahead
and import the main dmTxt2Html
module rather than just the
support functions. This is largely just to simplify the
import. The issue here is that we use an import dmTxt2Html
to access the module instead of a from dmTxt2Html import *
In many ways this is a safer procedure, but a consequence is
that it is more difficult to (accidentally or deliberately)
overwrite functions in dmTxt2Html
. If we wanted to attach
functions from d2h_textfuncs
we would have to do a dir()
the imported support module, and attach members to the
"dmTxt2Html" namespace in attribute fashion. Doing this style
of overwriting is left as an exercise for readers.
The most significant difference introduced by the
function is the use of Python's built-in
function. Just performing a brand new
import dmTxt2Html
will not overwrite the functions
previously imported. Watch out for this! A lot of beginners
assume that reimporting a module will update the version in
memory. It won't. Instead, the way to update the in-memory
image of the functions in a module is to reload()
the module.
There is another small trick performed above. The download
location of an updated dmTxt2Html
module is the local working
directory, which may or may not be the directory where
was originally loaded from. In fact, if it is in
the Python library directory, you probably will not be working
there (and probably don't have permissions to it as a user).
But the reload()
call tries loading from the current
directory first, then from the rest of Python's path. So
whether or not the download succeeds, the reload()
should be
a safe operation (it may or may not load anything new though).
The web-proxy CGI version of Txt2Html
Support module t2h_textfuncs
Main module dmTxt2Html
Files used and mentioned in this article:
As David Mertz went to sleep one night after troubled
wakefulness, he dreamed himself transformed into a technical
journalist. He needs the rest. David may be reached at
[email protected]; his life pored over at
http://gnosis.cx/publish/. Suggestions and recommendations on
this, past, or future, columns are welcomed.