CHARMING PYTHON #4 State Machines: Algorithms and programming approaches in Python David Mertz, Ph.D. President, Gnosis Software, Inc. May 2000 State machines, in a theoretical sense, underlay almost everything computer- and programming-related. But a Python programmer does not necessarily need to consider highly theoretical matters in writing programs. Nonetheless, there are a large class of ordinary programming problems where the best and most natural approach is to explicitly code a state machine as the solution. This article discusses some practical cases of using state machines, how to recognize them, and how to code them in Python. WHAT IS PYTHON? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Python is a freely available, very-high-level, interpreted language developed by Guido van Rossum. It combines a clear syntax with powerful (but optional) object-oriented semantics. Python is available for almost every computer platform you might find yourself working on, and has strong portability between platforms. WHAT IS A STATE MACHINE? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A much too accurate description of a state machine is that it is a directed graph, consisting of a set of nodes and a set of transition functions. Such a machine "runs" by responding to a series of events, each event is in the domain of the transition function of the "current" node, where the range is a subset of the nodes. The function return is a "next" (maybe self-identical) node. A subset of the nodes are end-states; if an end-state is reached, the machine stops. An abstract mathematical description--like the above--is of little use for most practical programming problems. Equally picayune is the observation that every program in an imperative programming language is a state machine whose nodes are its source lines (but not really in a declarative--functional or constraint-based--language such as Haskell, Scheme, Prolog). Furthermore, every regular expression is logically equivalent to a state machine; and every parser implements an abstract state machine. Most programmers write lots of state machines without really thinking about it, but that fact provides little guidance to specific programming techniques. An informal, heuristic definition is more useful than the abstract ones. Often we encounter a program requirement that includes a handful of distinct ways of treating clusters of events. Furthermore, it is sometimes the case that individual events need to be put in a context to determine which type of treatment is appropriate (as opposed to each event being "self-identifying"). The state machines discussed in this article are high-level machines that are intended to express clearly the programming requirements of a class of problems. If it makes sense to talk about your programming problem in terms of categories of behavior in response to events, it is likely to be a good idea to program the solution in terms of explicit state machines. A TEXT PROCESSING STATE MACHINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ One of the programming problems most likely to call for an explicit state machine is processing text files. Processing a text file very often consists of sequential reading of each chunk of a text file (typically either a character or a line), and doing something in response to each chunk read. In some cases, this processing is "stateless"--that is, each chunk has enough information internally to determine exactly what to do in response to that chunk of text. And in other cases, even though the text file is not 100% stateless, there is a very limited context to each chunk (for example, the line number might matter for the action taken, but not much else besides the line itself). But in other common text processing problems, the text files we deal with are highly "stateful"--the meaning of a chunk all depends on what types of chunks preceded it (and maybe on what chunks come next). Files like report files, mainframe datafeeds, human-readable texts, programming source files, and other sorts of text files are stateful. A very simple example of a stateful chunk is a line that might occur in a Python source file: myObject = SomeClass(this, that, other) That line means something very different if it happens to be surrounded by these lines: """How to use SomeClass: myObject = SomeClass(this, that, other) """ That is, we needed to know that we were in a "blockquote" *state* to determine that the line was a comment rather than an action. WHEN NOT TO USE A STATE MACHINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ When we begin the task of writing a processor for any stateful text file, the first question we should ask ourselves is "what types of things do we expect to find in the file?" Each type of thing is a candidate for a state. These types should be several in number, but if the number is huge or indefinite, a state machine is probably not the right approach--maybe some sort of database solution is appropriate (or maybe the problem has not been formulated right if there appear to by that many types of things) Moreover, we are not quite ready for a state machine yet; there may yet be a simpler approach. It might turn out that even though our text file is stateful there is an easy way to read in chunks where each chunk is a single type of thing. A state machine is really only worth implementing if the transitions between types of text require some calculation based on the content within a single state-block. An example of a somewhat stateful text file that is nonetheless probably not best handled with a state machine is Windows-style '.ini' files. Those files consist of some section headers, some comments, and a number of value assignments. For example: #-------------- File: hypothetical.ini ------------------# ; set the colorscheme and userlevel [colorscheme] background=red foreground=blue title=green [userlevel] login=2 title=1 This example has no real-life meaning, but it was constructed to indicate some features of the '.ini' format. (1) In one sense, the type of each line is determined by its first character (either semi-colon, left-brace, or alphabetic); (2) In another sense, the format is "stateful" insofar as the keyword "title" presumably means something independent when it occurs in each section. One could program a text processor that had a COLORSCHEME state and a USERLEVEL state, and processed the values assignments of each state. But that does not seem like the *right* way to handle this problem. On the one hand, we could simply create the natural chunks in this text file with some Python code like: #---- Chunking Python code to process .INI file --------# import string txt = open('hypothetical.ini').read() sects = string.split(txt, '[') for sect in sects: # do something with sect, like get its name # (the stuff up to ']') and read its assignments Or, if we wished, we could use a single 'current_section' variable to keep place: #---- Counting Python code to process .INI file --------# for line in open('hypothetical.ini').readlines(): if line[0] == '[': current_section = line(1:-2) elif line[0] == ';': pass # ignore comments else: apply_value(current_section, line) WHEN TO USE A STATE MACHINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now that we have established not to use a state machine if the text file is "too simple" we should look at a case where a state machine is worthwhile. _Charming Python #3_ discussed the utility 'Txt2Html' that converts "smart ASCII" files to HTML (including this article itself). In very brief recap, "smart ASCII" format is a text format that uses a few spacing conventions to distinguish different types of text blocks, such as headers, regular text, quotations, code samples. While it is easy for a human reader or writer to visually parse the transitions between these text block types, there is no simple way to chunk a whole text file into its text blocks. Unlike in the '.ini' file example, text block types can occur in any pattern of alternation. There is no single delimiter that separates blocks in all cases (a blank line *usually* separates blocks, but a blank line within a code sample does not end the code sample necessarily; and blocks need not be separated by blank lines). But we do need to perform somewhat different formatting behavior on each text block type for the correct final HTML output. A state machine suggests itself as a natural solution here. The general behavior of the 'Txt2Html' reader is as follows: (1) Start in a particular state; (2) Read a line of the text file and go to current state context; (3) Decide if conditions have been met to leave the current state and enter another; (4) Failing (3), process the line in a manner appropriate for the current state. This example is about the simplest case one would encounter, but it expresses the pattern described: #----- A simple state machine input loop in Python -----# global state, blocks, bl_num, newblock for line in fhin.readlines(): if state == "HEADER": # blank line means new block of ?? if blankln.match(line): newblock = 1 elif textln.match(line): startText(line) elif codeln.match(line): startCode(line) else: if newblock: startHead(line) else: blocks[bl_num] = blocks[bl_num] + line elif state == "TEXT": # blank line means new block of ?? if blankln.match(line): newblock = 1 elif headln.match(line): startHead(line) elif codeln.match(line): startCode(line) else: if newblock: startText(line) else: blocks[bl_num] = blocks[bl_num] + line elif state == "CODE": # blank line does not change state if blankln.match(line): blocks[bl_num] = blocks[bl_num] + line elif headln.match(line): startHead(line) elif textln.match(line): startText(line) else: blocks[bl_num] = blocks[bl_num] + line else: raise ValueError, "unexpected input block state: "+state The full source file this code is taken from can be downloaded with 'Txt2Html' (see Resources). The only real thing to notice is that the variable 'state' is declared 'global', and its value is changed in functions like 'startText()'. The transition conditions--such as 'textln.match()' are regular expression patterns, but they could just as well be custom functions. The formatting itself is actually done later in the program, the state machine just parses the text file into labelled blocks in the 'blocks' list. AN ABSTRACT STATE MACHINE CLASS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It is easy in Python to abstract the form of a state machine. Coding in this manner makes the state machine model of the program stand out more clearly than does the simple conditional block in the previous example (which doesn't right-away look all that much different from any other conditional). Furthermore, the class presented--and the associated handlers--do a very good job of isolating in-state behavior. This improves both encapsulation and readability in many cases. #-------------- File: ------------------# from string import upper class StateMachine: def __init__(self): self.handlers = {} self.startState = None self.endStates = [] def add_state(self, name, handler, end_state=0): name = upper(name) self.handlers[name] = handler if end_state: self.endStates.append(name) def set_start(self, name): self.startState = upper(name) def run(self, cargo): try: handler = self.handlers[self.startState] except: raise "InitializationError", "must call .set_start() before .run()" if not self.endStates: raise "InitializationError", "at least one state must be an end_state" while 1: (newState, cargo) = handler(cargo) if upper(newState) in self.endStates: break else: handler = self.handlers[upper(newState)] The 'StateMachine' class is really all you need for the form of a state machine. It is a whole lot fewer lines than something similar would require in most languages--mostly because of the ease of passing function objects in Python. To actually *use* the 'StateMachine' class, you need to create some handlers for each state you want to use. A handler must follow a particular pattern. Generally, it should loop indefinitely; but in any case it must have some breakout condition(s). Each pass through the state handler's loop should process another event of the state's type. But probably even before handling events, the handler should check for breakout conditions, and determine what state is appropriate to transition to. At the end, a handler should pass back a tuple consisting of the target state's name, and any cargo the new state-handler will need. An encapsulation device is the use of 'cargo' as a variable in the 'StateMachine' class (not necessarily called 'cargo' by the handlers). This is used to pass around "whatever is needed" by one state-handler to take over where the last state-handler left off. Most typically, 'cargo' will consist of a filehandle, which would allow the next handler to read some more data after the point where the last state-handler stopped. But a database connection might get passed, or a complex class instance, or a list with several things in it. In the case of the test below, the cargo consists simply of a number that keeps getting fed back into an iterative function. That is the next value of 'val' is always simply 'math_func(val)'. But depending on what the function does, the value may be in a range so as to either push it to a different handler, or reach an exit condition (which is really just a do-nothing end-state handler). One thing the example illustrates is that an *event* is not necessarily an input event, it can sometimes be a computational event also (but atypically so). The state-handlers differ from one another only in using a different marker when outputting the events they handle; this is trivial, and does not require a state machine, but it illustrates the concept. The code is probably easier to understand than its explanation: #------------ File: ---------------# from statemachine import StateMachine def ones_counter(val): print "ONES State: ", while 1: if val <= 0 or val >= 30: newState = "Out_of_Range" ; break elif 20 <= val < 30: newState = "TWENTIES"; break elif 10 <= val < 20: newState = "TENS"; break else: print " @ %2.1f+" % val, val = math_func(val) print " >>" return (newState, val) def tens_counter(val): print "TENS State: ", while 1: if val <= 0 or val >= 30: newState = "Out_of_Range"; break elif 1 <= val < 10: newState = "ONES"; break elif 20 <= val < 30: newState = "TWENTIES"; break else: print " #%2.1f+" % val, val = math_func(val) print " >>" return (newState, val) def twenties_counter(val): print "TWENTIES State:", while 1: if val <= 0 or val >= 30: newState = "Out_of_Range"; break elif 1 <= val < 10: newState = "ONES"; break elif 10 <= val < 20: newState = "TENS"; break else: print " *%2.1f+" % val, val = math_func(val) print " >>" return (newState, val) def math_func(n): from math import sin return abs(sin(n))*31 if __name__== "__main__": m = StateMachine() m.add_state("ONES", ones_counter) m.add_state("TENS", tens_counter) m.add_state("TWENTIES", twenties_counter) m.add_state("OUT_OF_RANGE", None, end_state=1) m.set_start("ONES") RESOURCES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charming Python #3 (a discussion of the 'Txt2Html' tool): This article as "smart ASCII" text: To obtain or use Txt2Html, just point to: Files used and mentioned in this article: The concept of a state machine is, at a deeper level, closely related to the concepts of coroutines. A reader who really wants to make her brain hurt can read about Christian Tismer's Stackless Python, which efficiently implements coroutines, generators, continuations, and micro-threads. This is not for the faint of heart: ABOUT THE AUTHOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {Picture of Author:} In a ramiculated career, David Mertz has produced his share of synecdoches. Most of them have been in areas of academic "postmodern" philosophy, but this article also occupies several levels of descriptive "states." David may be reached at; his life pored over at Suggestions and recommendations on this, past, or future, columns are welcomed.