CHARMING PYTHON #11 (20000096) What's New in Python 2.0? David Mertz, Ph.D. Auteur, Gnosis Software, Inc. January, 2001 Python programmers have recently gotten a shiny new toy with the release of version 2.0. Python 2.0 builds on the strengths of previous Python versions, while adding a number of new conveniences and capabilities. This article contains its author's impressions of Python's newest versions, and some tips on using it effectively. WHAT IS PYTHON 2? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Python is a freely available, very-high-level, interpreted language developed by Guido van Rossum. It combines a clear syntax with powerful (but optional) object-oriented semantics. Python is available for almost every computer platform you might find yourself working on, and has strong portability between platforms. Python 2.0, which was released in October 2000, introduces a number of new language features, and includes some new standard modules. One of Guido van Rossum's virtues -- probably the one that best earns him the affectionate title "benevolent dictator for life (BDFL)" in the Python community -- is his conservatism in changing Python. Very little changes between Python versions, and what does change tends to be considered and discussed for months or years in advance. This makes for great backward and foreward compatibility in Python, and for a consistency in running Python programs across platforms and versions. Therefore, even with a fairly moderate number of changes, Python 2.0 represents a pretty large jump in the language definition of Python 1.5x. Fortunately, Python 2.0 still maintains great backward compatibility, and the changes that have been made are generally very "pythonic" in character. By the way, it is worth noting that a short-lived Python 1.6 release was made in September 2000. This release is a bit of a curiousity -- its existence derives from contractual obligations by the Python core development team, who were finding a new organizational home during the same period as the 1.6/2.0 development. For the most part Python 1.6 resembles Python 2.0, but if you are installing a new version, it is best just to install Python 2.0. Let's look at some specifics. Check the references for a more exhaustive summary of changes. This article contains a more subjective evaluation of what the author finds most important and interesting, and some changes might not be addressed here. LIST COMPREHENSIONS AND ZIP() ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For me, probably the most exciting new feature of Python 2.0 is the addition of -list comprehensions-. For my oddball readers with a math background, it might be interesting to note that this capability is sometimes called "ZF-comprehension" in other functional languages, after the Axiom of Comprehension in Zermelo-Frankel set theory. If that note does not mean anything to you, do not worry about it, the feature is just as powerful and intuitive without the mathematical arcana. If you have been reading carefully, you probably noticed an odd noun phrase in the previous paragraph: "other functional languages." Even if you did not realize it, as a Python programmer you have been programming in a (mixed) functional language since Python 1.0. Of course, if you are not in the habit of using the builtin functions 'lambda()', 'map()', 'reduce()' and 'filter()' you have not been using these functional features; but even if you do use these, Python has always made it easy to avoid thinking about functional paradigms (unless you want to think about them, which Python also makes easy). In any case, list comprehension is a way of doing much of what Python's functional builtins do, but in a much more compact way that is simultaneously easier to read and understand. Let's start out with a simple example of list comprehensions in action: #--------------- Python Interactive Session -------------# >>> xs = (1,2,3,4,5) >>> ys = (9,8,7,6,5) >>> bigmuls = [(x,y) for x in xs for y in ys if x*y > 25] >>> print bigmuls [(3, 9), (4, 9), (4, 8), (4, 7), (5, 9), (5, 8), (5, 7), (5, 6)] What we have done in the example is create a list of tuples where each tuple element is drawn from other lists, and where each list element satisfies some property. Without the 'if' clause, we would just create a permutation (which is often useful in itself); but with the 'if' clause we can create a 'filter()' type pruning of the list. Multiple 'if' clauses are allowed in one list comprehension, by the way. There is nothing fundamentally new in list comprehension capability; certainly the same effect could be achieved in Python 1.5x, but less clearly. For example, the following more verbose (and less clear) techniques can do the same thing: #--------------- Python Interactive Session -------------# >>> # Functional-style spagetti for list comprehension >>> filter(lambda (x,y): x*y > 25, ... map(None, xs*len(ys), ... reduce(lambda s,t: s+t, ... map(lambda y: [y]*len(xs), ys)))) [(3, 9), (4, 9), (5, 9), (4, 8), (5, 8), (4, 7), (5, 7), (5, 6)] >>> # Nested loop procedural style for list comprehension >>> bigmuls = [] >>> for x in xs: ... for y in ys: ... if x*y > 25: ... bigmuls.append((x,y)) >>> print bigmuls [(3, 9), (4, 9), (4, 8), (4, 7), (5, 9), (5, 8), (5, 7), (5, 6)] In the example I have given, the nested procedural loops are clearer than the functional-style calls (perhaps readers will notice a better functional approach). But both are far less clear than the list comprehension style. With some programmer practice, list comprehensions can substitute for both most uses of functional-style builtins and also for many nested loops. One new builtin function in Python 2.0 is particularly useful in conjunction with list comprehensions. You can think of what 'zip()' does by imagining the teeth of a zipper: two or more sequences are combined into a list of tuples (with each tuple having one element from each calling sequence. This is often useful if you do not want a list comprehension that uses a complete permutation of lists, but merely one that utilized corresponding elements of multiple lists. For example: #--------------- Python Interactive Session -------------# >>> zip(xs,ys) [(1, 9), (2, 8), (3, 7), (4, 6), (5, 5)] >>> [(x,y) for (x,y) in zip(xs, ys) if x*y > 20] [(3, 7), (4, 6), (5, 5)] UNICODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another big addition for Python 2.0 is Unicode support. If you need to use multinational character sets in your programs, this capability is absolutely essential. Of course, if like me you have not had any specific requirement for characters outside ASCII, the Unicode support does not really matter. Fortunately, the implementation of Unicode in Python 2.0 is extremely well designed, and does not get in the way of anything else. Unicode strings may be represented in several ways. For escaped characters, the sequence "\uHHHH" can be used, where -HHHH- is a four digit hexadecimal number. Longer string can be entered using the new Unicode quoting syntax: u"string". This is very similar in style to the r"string" quoting style which is used for composing regular expressions without resoving escape codes at the Python level (because regular expressions use some of the same escape codes). Of course, to use the Unicode quoting syntax, you need to have a text editor capable of entering Unicode characters between the quotes. Conversions between 8-bit strings and Unicode strings -- and also between different Unicode encodings -- is performed using the new 'codecs' module. FUNCTIONAL/METHOD CALL SYNTAX ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another nice syntax enhancement was made to function calls. It is now possible to call functions directly with a tuple of arguments and/or a dictionary of keyword arguments. As with list comprehensions, no fundamentally new capability is added, but the expression of some common chores is more concise and more clear. Methods in Python, of course, are just functions that are bound to class instances, so everything works the same for functions and methods. Python programmers will be familiar with the previous syntax for defining extra positional and keyword arguments within a function definition. For example, we might have: #--------------- Python Interactive Session -------------# >>> def myfunc(this, that, *extras, **keywords): ... print "Required arguments:", this, that ... print "Extra arguments:", ... for arg in extras: print arg, ... print "\nDictionary arguments:" ... for key,val in keywords.items(): print "**", key, "=", val ... >>> myfunc(1) Traceback (innermost last): File "", line 1, in ? TypeError: not enough arguments; expected 2, got 1 >>> myfunc(1,2) Required arguments: 1 2 Extra arguments: Dictionary arguments: >>> myfunc(1,2,3,4,5) Required arguments: 1 2 Extra arguments: 3 4 5 Dictionary arguments: >>> myfunc(1,2,3, spam=17, eggs=32) Required arguments: 1 2 Extra arguments: 3 Dictionary arguments: ** spam = 17 ** eggs = 32 Python 2.0 adds the same convention for function -calls- as is used for function definitions. For example: #--------------- Python Interactive Session -------------# >>> argdict = {'spam':'tasty', 'eggs':'over easy'} >>> arglist = [1,2,3,4,5] >>> myfunc(*arglist, **argdict) Required arguments: 1 2 Extra arguments: 3 4 5 Dictionary arguments: ** spam = tasty ** eggs = over easy Achieving the same effect (passing arguments via named lists, perhaps ones created dynamically at runtime) was always possible in Python. But the new calling syntax is more convenient than the old use of the 'apply()' function was. AUGMENTED ASSIGNMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Python now has a shortcut in assignments that will be familiar to programmers of C, Perl, Awk, Java, and a variety of other languages. It is now possible to stick an operator at the beginning of an equal-sign to change the assigned value of a variable based on its old value. For example: #--------------- Python Interactive Session -------------# >>> i = 1 >>> i += 1 ; i 2 >>> i *= 3 ; i 6 >>> i /= 2 ; i 3 >>> str = "Spam and eggs" >>> str += "...and sausage and spam and bacon" ; str 'Spam and eggs...and sausage and spam and bacon' Semantically, the augmented operators do exactly the same thing as repeating the left-side variable on the left side of a plain assignment, and following it with the corresponding operator and second operand. So in that sense, this is just syntactic sugar. It is worth noticing, however, that the augmented assignments are actually an improvement in terms of performance. I have not benchmarked it myself, but discussion indicates that using an augmented assignments saves a lookup and some object allocation. For numbers, this is insignificant; but if you happen to be working with multi-megabyte strings, use of augmented assignment can speed things up and reduce memory usage. GARBAGE COLLECTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The issue of Python's memory management is probably pretty arcane for most day-to-day Python programmers. Traditionally, Python has used a reference counting scheme to delete objects when they are no longer accessible from any name. However, a reference counting methodology is theoretically prone to leaking memory if cyclic references are used in a program. For example, this code will break the reference counting: #------------ Cyclical references in Python -------------# >>> class MyClass: pass ... >>> myobject = MyClass() >>> = myobject >>> del myobject At this point, it is impossible to access 'myobject', but it will not have been deleted, since the reference count was incremented twice, but only decremented once. As bad as this might sound, most programmers will never experience any actual problems due to code like the above. In most cases, cyclical references will not be used in the first place, and even if they are, most times the memory leakage will be small (you can easily construct artificial cases of dangerous behavior; for example, add a 'myobject.big='#'*10**6 to the above example). In any case, Python 2.0 adds a compile-time option for mark-and-sweep garbage collection (GC). Most distributions of Python 2.0 seem to be compiled using this option; but if you need to, you can compile your own Python version that turns off the garbage collection option. In either case, reference counting is still used, it is just a question of whether leaks like the above are cleaned up. On some platforms, like embedded systems, GC may be undesirable. Garbage collection takes some CPU cycles (not a lot, but some). Perhaps more importantly, reference counting is determinate in program behavior, while garbage collection is not. That is, you never know for sure when a garbage collection will eat a few CPU cycles; therefore, using the GC version of Python will cause the identical program to behave differently (in terms of timings) from run to run. These issues are fascinating theoretically, but most programmers should just ignore them from here out. Whatever Python distribution you pick up will almost certainly do the right thing for the platform you are using; unless you know enough to know exactly why you want to enable or disable GC, just do not worry about it. PRINT DIRECTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As good a job as van Rossum and the rest of the team have done with Python 2.0, they also introduced one wart in Python. It does something moderately useful, but in my opinion (and also in that of many other Python programmers), it introduces a brand new (and ugly) syntactic feature where none is needed. Most programmers suspect this imperfection is merely a ruse, however, to make the simplicity and beauty of the rest of Python shine even more brightly. The 'print' statement performs a bit of magic that the '.write()' method of file objects does not (and sys.stdout is just another file object that 'print' writes to). 'print' allows multiple arguments, each of any Python type. The trailing comma conveniently allows line continuation between 'print' statements, while the default writes each bunch of stuff to its own line. Overall, 'print' is just a handy way to get some information from a program to the console. A lot of Python programmers have wanted that same 'print' mojo to be available for writing to other file objects (such as sys.stderr, regular files, or "file-like" objects that various modules provide). I think the right way to do this would be to add a '.print()' method to file objects and do the magic there. But Python 2.0 adds this capability by adding the "redirection operator" '>>' to the 'print' statement. For example: #--------------- Python Interactive Session -------------# >>> import sys >>> print >> sys.stderr, "spam", [1,2,3], 45.2 spam [1, 2, 3] 45.2 This works -- and it adds a nice capability -- but it nudges Python just a hair closer to the "executable line-noise" feel of certain other programming languages. RESOURCES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Python 2.0 CHANGELOG can be found at: A.M. Kuchling and Moshe Zadka have written a good (and closer to official) summary of changes in Python 2, logically called "What's New in Python 2.0: A very nice distribution of Python 2.0 has been created recently by ActiveState. The ActiveState distribution bundles a number of useful tools that will not necessarily be found by default in other distributions. Find it at: ABOUT THE AUTHOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {Picture of Author:} David Mertz believes that the real is the rational; and that the avant-garde remains at the cutting-edge. But he regrets that nostalgia just isn't what it used to be. David may be reached at; his life pored over at Suggestions and recommendations on this, past, or future, columns are welcomed.