Xml Zone Tip: Asynchronous Sax:

Simple API for XML as a Long-Running Event Processor

David Mertz, Ph.D.
Daemon, Gnosis Software, Inc.
May, 2003

Even though every abstract description of SAX prominently mentions that SAX is an event-driven interface, very few SAX applications really use SAX for event-driven programming. Instead, mostly SAX is just a way to save memory while extracting data from an XML document. However, over asynchronous channels--such as a socket the produces data over a long duration--SAX is a wonderfully light-weight programming technique for parsing incoming messages.


Usually you think of XML as a format for files. Parsing an XML file using SAX means opening the file, sequentially reading through it to find tags and contents, processing each occurrence, then closing the file when the parsing is done. But the XML specification applies just as well to asynchronous streams as it does to disk files. And since SAX is strictly unidirectional, it works great on streams.

A stream can be a lot of things, in principle, but most of the time in Internet programming, we think of BSD sockets--an interface implemented on all modern operating systems. There is no reason, however, that the techniques in this tip could not also be used for a serial-port instrument connection, to monitor GUI events, or for similar long running and intermittent data streams.

The basic idea this tip promotes is that XML is often an excellent choice for a wire protocol, and SAX is the most natural technique for coding client applications that utilize this protocol. While XML's verboseness can be a problem for monitoring a large volumes of data, for moderate streams of ongoing data, SAX (and XML itself) is a good choice for a communications API.

An Implementation

What I wanted as a test case in this article was some sort of non-finite data stream provided by a remote host that is useful to a client. Since I maintain a website, an obvious example was a way of remotely monitoring hits to my site--they continue forever, at an irregular rate, and the total data bandwidth is moderate. It could be useful, or at least interesting, to let a utility on my home system keep track of hits to my web server.

On my particular web server, log records are appended to a file, one per line, with mostly space-separated fields. But some quoted fields have internal spaces, so parsing a line is a little bit complicated. Now certainly, I could send these raw log lines directly to the client, as they are written. But XML has several nice features that readers are familiar with: it is somewhat self-documenting, it allows variations in attribute order and whitespace, within limits a schema can be enhanced over time and maintain backward compatability. And specifically for my application, I could arrange to monitor several web servers this same way, as long as each one transmitted its log data in a common XML format.

My XML log server is a pretty basic socket application, written in Python (but a different language would be fine for server and/or client). An abridged version looks like:

Server application: weblog-xml.py

from SocketServer import BaseRequestHandler, TCPServer
from time import sleep
import sys, socket
# ...Define hit_tag template and log_fields() function...
class WebLogHandler(BaseRequestHandler):
    def handle(self):
        print "Connected from", self.client_address
            while True:
                for hit in LOG.readlines():
                    self.request.sendall(hit_tag % log_fields(hit))
        except socket.error:
        print "Disconnected from", self.client_address
if __name__=='__main__':
    global LOG
    LOG = open('../access-log')
    LOG.seek(0, 2)     # Start at end of current access log
    srv = TCPServer(('',8888), WebLogHandler)

When a socket is opened, the document root element <hits> is sent immediately, followed by new logged hits, as they occur (but batched in 5 second blocks), with elements similar to:

Sample <hit> XML element

  timestamp="11/May/2003:01:47:53 -0500"
  request="GET /publish/programming/code_recognizer.gif HTTP/1.1"
  agent="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)"/>

The Sax Client

In the server, I have not yet used SAX at all. I just use string formatting to compose XML elements. In the client application, SAX saves some work. Here is my entire current client application:

SAX-based log monitoring client.py

#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket
import xml.sax
from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler
class AsyncWebLog(ContentHandler):
    def startDocument(self):
        print "Connected to gnosis.cx server"
    def startElement(self, name, attrs):
        if (name=='hit' and attrs['status']=='200'
                        and attrs['referrer']!='-'):
            print attrs['referrer'],"->",attrs['request'].split()[1]
parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect(('gnosis.cx', 8888))
    while 1:
        xml_data = sock.recv(8192)

Since the log records are already nicely formatted as XML, parsing their elements is essentially effortless. All I need to do is define a content handler that has a .startElement() method; and do something desirable inside that method. Just to be a little friendly, I also have the client acknowledge the connection with a message--the message is triggered by the root <hits> element sent by the sever.

My .startElement() method makes a few decisions about what it wants to display. I decide only to process elements named <hit>--perhaps an enhanced server will start sending other sorts of XML elements as messages as well; my client will happily ignore them without choking on the stream. Quite a few attributes are available, but I decided to focus just on the referrers to my pages. The boolean algebra of checking various such attributes is demonstrated by my test for only successfully delivered pages with known referrers. After that, I print a description to my client screen. Obviously, a more elaborate client application could use a GUI to diplay this information, or otherwise manipulate and process the received data.

Quick Finish

With my client and server running, every once in a while my local terminal updates with a list of a few surfers who have followed links to get to my website. As long as I leave these processes running, I will get updates forever--the underlying XML "document" has no size limit. Any application that is similar in the minimal respect of monitoring a long-lasting data stream can usefully--and easily--utilize the XML and SAX libraries already available with their favorite programming tools to achieve this purpose.

About The Author

Picture of Author David Mertz uses a wholly unstructured brain to write about structured document formats. David may be reached at [email protected]; his life pored over athttp://gnosis.cx/publish/. And buy his book: http://gnosis.cx/TPiP/.