Topic 206: Mail and News
David Mertz, Ph.D.
Professional Neophyte
October, 2005
Welcome to "Mail and News", the second of seven tutorials covering
intermediate network administration on Linux. In this tutorial, we
discuss how to use Linux as a mail server and a news server. Email
is probably the main use of the Internet, overall; and Linux perhaps
the best platform for running email services on. This tutorial
addresses mail transport, local mail filtering , and mailing list
maintenance software. Server software for the NNTP protocol is
discussed briefly.
About this series
The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) certifies Linux system
administrators at junior and intermediate levels. There are two exams
at each certification level. This series of seven tutorials helps you
prepare for the second of the two LPI intermediate level system
administrator exams--LPI exam 202. A companion series of tutorials is
available for the other intermediate level exam--LPI exam 201. Both
exam 201 and exam 202 are required for intermediate level
certification. Intermediate level certification is also known as
certification level 2.
Each exam covers several or topics and each topic has a weight. The
weight indicate the relative importance of each topic. Very roughly,
expect more questions on the exam for topics with higher weight. The
topics and their weights for LPI exam 202 are:
* Topic 205: Network Configuration (8)
* Topic 206: Mail and News (9)
* Topic 207: Domain Name System (DNS) (8)
* Topic 208: Web Services (6)
* Topic 210: Network Client Management (6)
* Topic 212: System Security (10)
* Topic 214: Network Troubleshooting (1)
About this tutorial
Welcome to "Mail and News", the second of seven tutorials covering
intermediate network administration on Linux. In this tutorial, we
discuss how to use Linux as a mail server and a news server. Email is
probably the main use of the Internet, overall; and Linux perhaps the
best platform for running email services on. This tutorial addresses
mail transport, local mail filtering , and mailing list maintenance
software. Server software for the NNTP protocol is discussed briefly.
To get the most from this tutorial, you should already have a basic
knowledge of Linux and a working Linux system on which you can
practice the commands covered in this tutorial.
About Mail and News
The breadth of use of Linux for mail and news servers has led to the
development of improved tools over time. When the LPI certification
exams were developed, the most popular tools were 'sendmail' for mail
transport, 'procmail' for local mail handling, 'majordomo' for mailing
lists, and 'innd' (InterNetNews daemon) for NNTP. The last of these is
still probably the default choice; however, despite its technical
strengths, the NNTP protocol has been somewhat eclipsed by either
email mailing list or web-based discussion forums.
Of other tools, 'sendmail' and 'procmail' are still widely used,
although not as ubiquitous as they might have been in 2001. However,
the most popular upgrade/replacement for 'sendmail' is 'postfix' which
contains facilities for backwards compatibility with 'sendmail'. The
field for local mail handling is well populated, but 'procmail' is
largely used. On the other hand, 'majordomo' is a minor anachronism
nowadays. Just as 'majordomo' largely replaced the ealier 'listserv'
software, more recently 'mailman' has mostly eclipsed 'majordomo'.
However, to match current LPI topic areas, this tutorial will still
discuss 'majordomo'.
Other resources
As with most Linux tools, it is always useful to examine the manpages
for any utilities discussed. Versions and switches might change
between utility or kernel version, or with different Linux
distributions. For more in depth information, the Linux Documentation
Project has a variety of useful documents, especially its HOWTOs. See
http://www.tldp.org/. A variety of books on Linux networking have
been published; I have found O'Reilly's _TCP/IP Network
Administration_, by Craig Hunt to be quite helpful (find whatever
edition is most current when you read this).
What does Majordomo do?
A mailing list manager program is basically a local extension for a
mail transport program (MTA) such as 'sendmail'. Basically, the MTA
running on a system passes off a set of address to the control of the
mailing list manager, and the mailing list manager modifies, processes
and perhaps remails the messages it receives. Some messages received
by a mailing list manager are messages meant for distribution to the
mailing list itself (perhaps needing to be verified for permission to
distribute to the list(s); other messages are control messages that
change the status of the mailing list, such as the subscription
options of a particular subscriber. A mailing list manager does not
perform mail deliver itself, but passes that function to its
supporting MTA.
As the introduction to this tutorial stated, Majordomo is not
currently the state-of-the-art choice for mailing lists. Rather, the
best choice for a new installation of a mailing list is probably
'Mailman' (http://www.list.org/). Majordomo, however, is still
perfectly functional, and is installed on many older systems that
continue to operate without problem (sometimes supporting lists that
have been operational for many years).
There is a wrinkle with Majordomo versions, however. Some years ago, a
rewrite of the Majordomo 1.x series was started, called Majordomo2.
Unfortunately, that rewrite fizzled out without ever reaching release
status. While Majordomo2 (in a beta version) may be used in a very
small number of systems, Majordomo 1.9.5 is the most recent stable
version, and the version that will be discussed in this tutorial.
Installing Majordomo
You can obtain an archive of the Majordomo software at
. The most recent, and probably
final, stable version is 1.9.5. After unpacking a file named like
'majordomo-1.94.5.tgz', be sure to read the file 'INSTALL' carefully.
You will need to follow all the steps it describes to getting a
working Majordomo system. Building the system uses the usual 'make;
make install' steps of most source installs, but also needs 'make
install-wrapper'. The install can and should verify itself with a
command like 'cd /usr/local/majordomo-1.94.5; ./wrapper config-test'
(the 'make install' will provide you with details as a message).
Before building, you will need to modify the 'Makefile', and create
and/or modify 'majordomo.cf'. The latter file can be copied from
'sample.cf' in the source distribution as a starting point. In the
'Makefile', a number of environment variables are set, but the most
critical and subtle of these is probably 'W_GROUP'. This is the
-numeric- gid of the group Majordomo will run under, almost always the
group 'daemon'. The gid for 'daemon' is 1 on most systems, but be
sure to check using:
$ id daemon
uid=1(daemon) gid=1(daemon) groups=1(daemon)
Other variables in 'Makefile' include 'PERL' for the path to the
interpreter, and 'W_HOME' for the location where Majordomo will be
Your new 'majordomo.cf' file also needs to be edited before the 'make
isntall'. Mostly the Perl variables that need to be modified appear
near the top of the file. Definitely adjust '$whereami' and
'$homedir', and examine the others to make sure they are sensible.
Telling Sendmail to use Majordomo
The final step in installation is convincing Sendmail to talk with
Majordomo. Within the '/etc/sendmail.cf' file, this will involve a
line like:
If you use the M4 processor to generate Sendmail configuration files,
you can use a line like:
The sample 'majordomo.aliases' contains some sample values:
majordomo: "|/usr/test/majordomo-1.94.5/wrapper majordomo"
majordomo-owner: you
owner-majordomo: you
test: "|/usr/test/majordomo-1.94.5/wrapper resend -l test test-list"
test-list: :include:/usr/test/majordomo-1.94.5/lists/test
owner-test: you
test-owner: you
test-request: you
These, of course, need to be customized for your particular setup.
In particular "you" means the name of the list administrator (who is
not necessarily the overall system administrator).
Creating a new Majordomo list
The sample setup given above created a list called 'test', with
addresses for 'test-owner', 'test-request', etc. for administering the
list. Presumably, in real use you will want lists with other names.
To do that, do the following:
* Switch to the directory '$listdir', as defined in 'majordomo.cf'.
* Create a files called 'my-list-name' and 'my-list-name.info' (adjust
appropriately); 'chmod' them to 664. The latter file contains an
introduction to the list.
* Create several aliases in your 'majordomo.aliases' file, following
the pattern of the "test" examples. E.g. 'foo-owner', 'foo',
'foo-request' and so on.
* Send requests to "subscribe", "unsubscribe", "signoff", and so on
member of the list.
* Create an archive directory in the location specified by the
'$filedir' and '$filedir_suffix' variables.
* Create a digest subdirectory under '$digest_work_dir'. Use the same
name as the digest list (example: test-digest).
* Make sure everything is owned by user 'majordomo', group
'majordomo', and writable by both owner and group (i.e., mode 664
for files and mode 775 for directories).
* Issue a 'config .admin' command to
Majordomo. This will cause it to create a default configuration
file for the list, and send it back to you.
What does Sendmail do?
The short answer is that Sendmail is a Mail Transport Agent (MTA); it
routes, modifies, and delivers mail message across heterogeneous mail
systems. In a history somewhat parallel to that with mailing list
software, Sendmail has a "permanent beta" version called Sendmail X
that is intended as an upgrade/replacement for the stable Sendmail 8.x
series; however, much as Mailman has largely supplanted Majordomo,
several MTA have partially eclipsed Sendmail. The chief such new MTA
is Postfix (http://www.postfix.org/), but Qmail
(http://cr.yp.to/qmail.html) and Exim (http://www.exim.org/) are also
relatively widely used. Nonetheless, Sendmail probably still remains,
by a narrow margin, the most widely used MTA on Linux systems. As of
September 16, 2005, the latest stable release of Sendmail was 8.13.5.
The long answer to what Sendmail is a very long answer indeed. Not
just one, but many, books have been written on Sendmail. See
http://www.sendmail.org/books.html for a list of available books. The
most comprehensive of these is _Sendmail, Third Edition_ by Bryan
Costales with Eric Allman, Third Edition December 2002, ISBN:
1-56592-839-3. At 1232 pages, this book covers quite a lot more than
this short tutorial can touch on.
While Sendmail in principle supports a number of mail transport
protocols such as UUCP, by far the most widely used one is Simple Mail
Transport Protocol (SMTP), which here includes Extended SMTP (ESMTP)
for enhanced MIME encoded message bodies. At heart, mail which is not
forward to other SMTP hosts is delivered to the local system, by
putting messages in local files. Local Mail User Agents (MUAs) read
messages that Sendmail (or another MTA) puts in local files (and often
also fetch mail using POP3 or IMAP), but generally call on Sendmail to
deliver outgoing messages. Some MUAs, however, themselves directly
communicate with SMTP servers (such as Sendmail instances, local or
remote) rather than placing messages in in the Sendmail queue for
later processing. Usually the Sendmail queue is in
Installing Sendmail
First thing, obtain a copy of the current Sendmail software from
, e.g. 'sendmail.8.13.5.tar.gz'. Unpack it
as usual. Unlike many applications that use the 'make;make install'
pattern, building Sendmail is peformed with 'sh Build'. After the
initial build, 'cd' to the 'cf/cf/' subdirectory; copy a suitable
'*.mc' file 'sendmail.mc'; customize 'sendmail.mc'; and run the
following to generate a 'sendmail.cf' file:
$ m4 ../m4/cf.m4 sendmail.mc > sendmail.cf
You may also use the shortcut 'sh Build sendmail.cf'. This may seem
mysterious, but what either of these commands do is generate an actual
Sendmail configuration from a more readable format using the M4 macro
processor. Actual 'sendmail.cf' files, though editable ASCII, are
quite cryptic, and should only be modified by hand minimally.
Finally, copy the 'sendmail' binary from a location like
'obj.Linux.2.6.10-5-386.i686/sendmail/sendmail' to its final location
(backup an old one if it exists), typically '/usr/sbin/'; and copy
your 'sendmail.cf' file to '/etc/mail/sendmail.cf'. The latter can
also be peformed in the 'cf/cf/' subdirectory with 'sh Build
install-cf'. You will probably need to 'su' or 'sudo' to obtain file
permissions for the relevant directories.
A number of utilities come with Sendmail: makemap, mailstats, etc.
Each corresponding directory has a README, and can be installed with
'sh Build install' run from the subdirectory.
The 'sendmail.cf' file
The main complexity, and the main function, of Sendmail is in its
'sendmail.cf' file. This configuration file contains some settings
for the Sendmail environment, but principally it contains patterns for
addresses to rewrite and/or deliver by certain mechanisms.
Two rewrite mechanism that may be configured are the 'genericstable'
and 'virtusertable' which let you map local users to and from external
addresses. For either mapping, you first create an aliases file as
plain text, e.g.:
#---------------------- File: outbound --------------------------#
david david.mertz@gmail.com
root root@gnosis.cx
dqm@gnosis.lan david.mertz@gmail.com
Or for incoming mail mapped to local accounts, e.g.:
#---------------------- File: inbound ---------------------------#
david@mail.gnosis.cx david
david@smtp.gnosis.cx david
david@otherdomain.net david
@mail.gnosis.cx %1@external-host.com
owner@list.gnosis.cx owner%3
jax@bar.com error:5.7.0:550 Address invalid
To compile these aliases, use the 'makemap' utility:
$ makemap dbm /etc/mail/virtusertable < inbound
$ makemap hash /etc/mail/genericstable < outbound
Enabling use of these maps can be configured using M4 macros in
'sendmail.cf' (of in whatever configuration file you use).
FEATURE(`virtusertable', `dbm /etc/mail/virtusertable')dnl
FEATURE(`genericstable', `hash /etc/mail/genericstable')dnl
A number of things are going on here. The 'DOMAIN' macro indicates
that a file like 'cf/domain/gnosis.cx.m4' is used for additional
macros. The 'FEATURE' macros enable use of the 'virtusertable' and
'genericstable'. The 'GENERICS_DOMAIN_FILE' macro defines the
domains that qualify for remapping for names in 'genericstable'.
Rewriting will follow all the rules indicated. In test mode
('sendmail -bt') you can examine the rewriting that is performed for
specific addresses. For example, using 'genericstable', mail to the
local user 'david' will be delivered to 'david.mertz@gmail.com'
externally. Assuming 'localhost' is defined in
'/etc/mail/generics-domains', mail to 'david@localhost' will go to the
same place.
In the other direction, mail coming in for 'david@mail.gnosis.cx' will
be rewritten and delivered to local user 'david'. Multiple domains
can be manipulated by Sendmail at the same time, so
'david@otherdomain.net' will also be delivered locally. The full
power comes in some of the wildcard symbols. Any mail send to
'mail.gnosis.cx' that is not specifically directed to a local user
will be forwarded to the same username at 'external-host.com'. But
that's a simple pattern. More interestingly, the '%3' can be used to
expand multiple extra name information, so
'owner-foo@list.gnosis.cx' and 'owner-bar@list.gnosis.cx' will
be delivered to local users 'owner-foo' and 'owner-bar', respectively
(unless they undergo further rewriting). Presumably, these local
users might be mailing list processing systems or other automated
message handlers. As a special case, you can raise an error for a
given address rather than rewrite it further.
Really what we have looked at just scratches the surface of the
rewriting rules you can add to Sendmail, but they give you an initial
feel. Buy one of the large books on the topic to learn more details.
Running Sendmail
Sendmail can run in a number of modes. The most common mode is as a
daemon that stays in the background and periodically. For example,
$ /usr/sbin/sendmail -bd -q10m
Tells Sendmail to run as a daemon, and check its queue every ten
minutes. You can also run Sendmail a single time to process the queue
at once, but not daemonize:
$ /usr/sbin/sendmail -q
As we mentioned above, Sendmail has a test mode to examine address
rewriting rules, e.g. (from the Linux Network Administrators Guide,
$ /usr/sbin/sendmail -bt
ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked)
> 3,0 isaac@vstout.vbrew.com
rewrite: ruleset 3 input: isaac @ vstout . vbrew . com
rewrite: ruleset 96 input: isaac < @ vstout . vbrew . com >
rewrite: ruleset 96 returns: isaac < @ vstout . vbrew . com . >
rewrite: ruleset 3 returns: isaac < @ vstout . vbrew . com . >
rewrite: ruleset 0 input: isaac < @ vstout . vbrew . com . >
rewrite: ruleset 199 input: isaac < @ vstout . vbrew . com . >
rewrite: ruleset 199 returns: isaac < @ vstout . vbrew . com . >
rewrite: ruleset 98 input: isaac < @ vstout . vbrew . com . >
rewrite: ruleset 98 returns: isaac < @ vstout . vbrew . com . >
rewrite: ruleset 198 input: isaac < @ vstout . vbrew . com . >
rewrite: ruleset 198 returns: $# local $: isaac
rewrite: ruleset 0 returns: $# local $: isaac
What does Procmail do?
Procmail is a mail processor. That term probably means nothing at all
to the unitiated, so we need some explanation. Basically, once
Sendmail or another MTA has delivered mail to a local mailbox, you
might use a MUA to process the mail in your inbox. You save some
messages to various folders; you delete others; you forward other
messages to various interested parties; you repl to others; and so on.
Doing these tasks in an MUA is a manual and interactive process, and
is potentially time consuming.
Procmail is a program that can automatically do these tasks for you
whenever the required processing can be stated in a rule-driven way.
Obviously, when you write back to your mother about her personal
email, some personal attention is required; but for a large class of
other messages, it is useful to specify in advance exactly what you
would like to happen when a given message is received. The rules that
can drive automated message handling might involve specific
pattern-based header field, certain contents in a message body, or
even calls out to more specific and specialized external programs such
as statistical spam filters.
Enabling Procmail
Procmail probably came installed with your Linux distribution. If not
you can obtain the source archive at . As
of this writing, the latest version is 3.22. You can also probably
install Procmail as a binary using the install system of your Linux
distribution (e.g. on Debian: 'apt-get install procmail'). Building
from source is a straightforward 'make install'. All Procmail needs
to operate is the 'procmail' binary and a '~/.procmailrc'
configuration file (or possibly a global '/etc/procmailrc').
Beyond installing Procmail in the first place, you need to get your
local mail system to utilize Procmail. An older mechanism to process
mail through Procmail is to use a '.forward' file; this will still
often work on a per-user basis. Usually a user will create a file
'~/.forward' that contains something like:
This will pipe each incoming message to Procmail. However, a better
and more common way to utilize Procmail is to tell your MTA to talk
directly to Procmail in the first place. In Sendmail, this involved
enabling the 'local_procmail' feature, e.g. put the following in your
'sendmail.mc' file:
FEATURE(`local_procmail', `/usr/bin/procmail', `procmail -Y -a $h -d $u')
Once Procmail is enabled at all, it needs a file '~/.procmailrc' that
contains the set of rules it processes in handling a given message.
Procmail is not a daemon, but rather a text processing tool that
accepts exactly one email message at a time via STDIN.
Rules in ~/.procmailrc
At heart, Procmail is just a set of regular expression recipes. You
may also define environment variables in the same fashion as in a
shell script. Recipes are executed in order, but flags may be used to
execute a particular condition only if the prior condition is
satisfied ('A'), or is not satisfied ('E'). Some Procmail recipes are
delivery recipes, and others are non-delivery recipes; the former
terminates processing of a given message, unless the 'c' flag is given
to explicitly continue processing. The most common action of a recipe
is probably to store a message in a named mailbox, but you may also
pipe a message to another program or forward the message to a list of
A recipe usually starts with a lock (optionally with a specific lock
file, otherwise it is done automatically) and some flags, followed by
some rules, and then by exactly one action. I.e.:
:0 [flags] [ : [locallockfile] ]
Of particular note are the implied flag 'H' to match the header, and
'B' to match the body. Patterns normally are case-insensitive, but the
'D' flag can force case-sensitive matching.
If a condition begins with '*', everything after that character is an
'egrep' expression. Otherwise, if a line starts with '<' or '>' it
checks the size of a message as smaller or larger than a given number
of bytes. The '$' prefix allows shell substitutions in
An action that is simply a file name saves a message to that mailbox.
Use the special pseudo-file '/dev/null' to delete a message. A pipe
character ('|') passes the message to another program, such as the
digest-splitting utility 'formail' that is distributed with Procmail.
The exclamation prefix ('!') forwards a message as an action (but
negates a condition in a rule). Some examples:
#------------------ Sample ~/.procmailrc file -------------------#
* ^Subject:.*Digest # split digests and save parts
* ^From:.*foo-digest
|formail +1 -ds cat >>mailing_lists_mailbox
* !(To|Cc).*mertz@gnosis.cx # my main account here
* !(To|Cc).*david.mertz@gmail.com # I get mail from here
* !From.*gnosis\.cx # I trust gnosis not to spam
* !From.*list.*@ # don't trash mailing lists
* !From.*good-buddy # sometimes Bcc's me mail
* ^Subject.*[MY-LIST] # redistribute MY-LIST messages
! member@example.com, member2@example.net, member3@example.edu
* ^Cc.*joe@somewhere.org # save to both inbox and JOE mbox
:0 c
What does InterNetNews do?
NNTP is a nice protocol for "pull" distribution of messages to any
users who are interested in a given topic. The Usenet is a large
collection of "newsgroups", on thousands of different topics, which
distribute messages via NNTP. Being a pull protocol, and NNTP server
gathers the current message available from a decentralized network of
servers, selecting only those newsgroups that the site administrator
choooses to include. When a new message is posted to a given
newsgroup, it propogates non-hierarchically from the server the user
directly connects to all the other servers on the internet interested
in subscribing to that particular newsgroup.
From an end user perspective, a mailing list can appear very similar
to a newsgroup. In either case, the user composes and posts messages,
and reads messages written by other people. In the ancient days of
the Usenet and the Internet, mailing lists were not as capable of
presenting discussion topics in a "threaded" fashion as newsgroups do
automatically. But for a number of years, mail clients have done a
good job of inferring the discussion threads within mailing lists.
The main difference between newsgroups and mailing lists is in their
underlying network protocol. A mailing list still relies on one
centralized mail server that accepts all the messages destined for a
particular list, and distributes that message via email to all users
who have indicated and interest (and have been approved, either by
automatic or human moderated subscription mechanisms). In contrast,
NNTP connects every node to every other one without relying on a
central server; each NNTP server simply talks to the other servers
"nearby", and rather rapidly, this reaches the whole world.
InterNetNews (INN) is an NNTP server that was first written in 1992,
and has been actively maintained since then. As of this writing, INN
is at version 2.4.1. The home page for INN includes releases and
documentation and is at .
Setting up INN
After obtaining and unpacking the current source release, builing INN
is a straightforward './configure; make; make install' sequence. To
build INN, you will need to have Perl and yacc (or bison) installed.
This will create a number of files, mostly in the '/usr/local/news/'
directory (which you probably do not have if INN has not been
installed previously).
Before running the 'innd' daemon (as user 'news'), you will want to
modify a number of configuration files. The full details will not fit
in this tutorial section, but a longer tutorial on the full set of
files needing attention (albeit being older, it is for SCO Unix, not
for Linux; but most details remain the same) can be found at
. Many of the
permissions and quota issues will be handled by the make system, but
you might want to double check these configurations.
A file to pay particular attention to is the quota setup in
'/usr/local/news/etc/storage.conf'. This controls which newsgroups
are subscribed to, and how much history from each newsgroup to
maintain. Once the quota is reached, older messages are purged from a
given newsgroup (on the local server, not from Usenet as a whole).
For example, it might contain:
#----------------- Sample storage.conf configuration ------------#
method cnfs {
newsgroups: alt.binaries.*
class: 1
size: 0,1000000
options: BINARIES
method cnfs {
newsgroups: *
class: 2
size: 0,100000
options: NOTBINRY
The "class" value specifies the order in which different rules are
Once all the various configuration files are tweaked, just running
'innd' as a daemon (probably launched for an initialization script)
monitors the upstream servers configured by '/usr/local/news/etc/innfeed.conf',
'/usr/local/news/etc/incoming.conf' and '/usr/local/news/etc/newsfeeds'.