Please Suggest More Improvements
Notes by David Mertz
Tue 05-16-2000
- Should the whole source present one or a few classes with
methods? It might be better to eliminate cfg_dict and other
global-ish variables, and make them instance data? But is
there a real gain in such a change?
- How might the elements that change be better encapsulated:
regexes for new types, case blocks for handling of types,
options in proxy form, type inference?
- Is it worth going to several module files? A package?
- Write a HOWTO document for adding new functionality?
- Syntax highlighting for other languages. Are there other
tools that would be useful to call for various languages? GNU
enscript, maybe (but seems to rely on many installation
assumptions). Is it worth wrapping a non-Python tool?
- FAQ TYPE conversion basically *sucks*. It works pretty well
for the comp.compression FAQ that served as an example; but it
looks terrible on every other example encountered. Is there
any consistent pattern in FAQ documents?
- An "EMAIL" TYPE? What would it do, exactly?
- A "Project Gutenburg" type.
- What about the dependency on the external 'eye.gif' icon in
the proxy navigation box? How might that degrade more
gracefully if icon is missing? (PIL!?)
- Some sort of mechanism for "bookmarking" URL's that are
actually improved by being proxied. Crude fixed list
'nicelinks.txt' has been done for the concept. What interface
to store bookmarks? How to handle users, permissions, etc.
(or do not bother)? Should 'nicelinks' get its own TYPE while
we are at it?
- Some links should never be proxied, such as .zip archives, or
fancy types that use plug-ins. Basically, anything that isn't
more-or-less ASCII to start with won't be handled right. How
to assure this? Can we enumerate all the types on either side
(probably not)?
- Are there any weaknesses in use of CGI proxy? Attacks on my
host? Spoofing of HTTP_REFERRER for some bad purpose?
Something else?