XML MATTERS #39: Getting the most out of gnosis.xml.objectify
Using utility functions for enhanced object behavior
David Mertz, Ph.D.
Protagonist, Gnosis Software, Inc.
November 2004
The XML binding [gnosis.xml.objectify] was designed, in many ways,
more as a toolkit than as a final tool. But this leaves some
(potential) users confused about how to specialize it for some
common tasks. This article shows readers how very thin wrappers can
customize gnosis.xml.objectify to perform actions such as: (a) XPath
access to child objects; (b) Automatically reserialize objects to
XML; (c) Modify the syntax of access to nodes. Some of these
techniques involve rather trivial specialization of provided parent
classes. Others involve small utility functions.
Python XML bindings seem to pop up almost every day; not because of
anything missing in existing libraries like [gnosis.xml.objectify] or
[elementtree], but simply out of "Not Invented Here" syndrome. The
author continues to feel that his own gnosis.xml.objectify--the
-first- of these tools to be developed--continues to be the most
versatile and Pythonic binding available (and also one of the fastest
and most memory friendly). Unfortunately, the multiplication of
just-slightly-different libraries for the same purpose is an
affliction Python suffers in several other areas as well.
In part, developers invent their own tools simply because they do not
immediately see how to accomplish goals in the existing tools. Let us
remedy that, in part, relative to [gnosis.xml.objectify].
The gnosis.xml.objectify philosophy.
My goal in creating [gnosis.xml.objectify] was to provide a module
that transforms that -data- in XML documents into completely "native"
Python objects. In particular, it is not very "Pythonic" to access
data using -getters- and -setters- or other similar methods. In Java
and some other languages you do things this way--and largely as a
result of the Java style, this is how you do things in DOM, even in
For [gnosis.xml.objectify], all the data that comes from an XML
documents--whether from element bodies or from XML attributes--is
simply data in object attributes. If a given object has multiple
children with the same name, the attribute points to a list of
like-named children. But even if there happens to only be one child
with a given name, that one thing is kind enough to act like a list
for iteration purposes. When accessing a [gnosis.xml.objectify]
object, the simplest thing that could possibly work almost always
-does- work.
Here is a very quick primer/example for readers new to the library:
>>> from gnosis.xml.objectify import make_instance
>>> xml = "Textblip"
>>> foo = make_instance(xml)
>>> foo
>>> foo.bar
>>> foo.baz
[, ]
>>> for bar in foo.bar: print bar
>>> foo.baz[0].a1
>>> foo.bar.PCDATA
>>> foo.bar[0].PCDATA
What gnosis.xml.objectify does not (did not) do.
The node objects in [gnosis.xml.objectify] trees are, by design, quite
dumb. Yes, they print moderately nice looking representations of
themselves; and single instances also act list-like when appropriate,
but instance-like otherwise. But generally, node objects eschew any
special methods or attributes--or at least they do so unless you
decide to program your own special behavior into particular node types,
specified by their element name. For one thing, any methods I might
have added to node objects would potentionally conflict with tagnames
in the generic XML documents [gnosis.xml.objectify] parses. But more
importantly, I believe Python is natively a perfectly good language
(excellent, in fact): so you can and should use exactly the same
generic techniques by which you work with any old object on ones that
happen to have been generated from XML sources.
However, I have found--particularly of late--that the very flexibility
of [gnosis.xml.objectify] gives some users that false impression that
they cannot achieve the constrained goals that some more XML-oriented
bindings provide as default behaviors. To address this, I have added a
subpackage [gnosis.xml.objectify.utils] to the Gnosis Utilities
package to illustrate several of the most-requested XML-oriented
usages. However, these utilities, while genuinely useful as provided,
are still intended more as examples of what you can do than as
"official" APIs for [gnosis.xml.objectify]. The idea here is that
[gnosis.xml.objectify] does not -have- an API, except the API of
Python itself.
One of the perceived strengths of Fredrik Lundh's [elementtree] and
Uche Ogbuji's [anobind] is their use of XPath-like node-search
methods. To my mind, XPath syntax is still somewhat overly
XML-oriented; but enough users have requested this that I decided to
add a utility function 'gnosis.xml.objectify.utils.XPath()' to Gnosis
Utilities. In about 50 lines I was able to implement a significant
-superset- of the XPath support in either [elementtree] or [anobind],
though not the complete XPath specification which is large.
Specifically, I enabled the following XPath features:
* Named node search by specifying a tagname;
* Recursive node search using the '//' delimiter;
* Wildcard searches using the '*' symbol;
* Text node search using the 'text()' pseudo-function;
* Attribute search using the '@' prefix;
* Wildcare attribute search using the '@*' symbol;
* Node indexing/slicing.
Moreover, being Python, I allow users to use not only XPath simple
numeric indexing, but also a general slice notation. Since XPath is
one-based in indexing, and Python is zero-based, I emphasize the
non-Python semantics by indicating slices differently in a
pseudo-XPath: '/tagname[2..5]', for example, indicates the inclusive
range from the second to the fifth '' element in the document
While I was at it, I wrote the whole thing as a lazy iterator so that
there is no need to instantiate a large node-list if you do not need
one. Of course, if you want an instantiated node-list, just use
'list(XPath(obj,path))' to get one.
However, even though I recognize the coolness of it, my simple
function does not bother implementing predicative indexing. There is
nothing conceptually difficult about implementing the remaining bits
of full XPath; I just did not find it necessary (or concise) as
illustration. The test script 'test_xpath.py' that will be included
in future Gnosis Utilities distributions, for example, includes the
following test XPaths (and outputs correctly on each):
#-------------- Patterns tested in text_xpath.py ----------------#
patterns = '''/bar //bar //* /baz/*/bar
/bar[2] //bar[2..4]
//@a1 //bar/@a1 /baz/@* //@*
baz//bar/text() /baz/text()[3]'''
Node walking in four lines.
As a support function, a created a little recursive traversal function
to walk all the nodes of a [gnosis.xml.objectify] object. You can use
it by itself if you like. It might be useful in performing your own
non-XPath filtering on a tree. Of course, the following calls should
be equivalent: 'walk_xo(obj)' and 'XPath(o,"//*")' (the first will
perform slightly less housekeeping. The function looks like:
#---------- Compact, lazy, recursive node traversal -------------#
def walk_xo(o):
yield o
for node in children(o):
for child in walk_xo(node):
yield child
Simple, huh? Another small support function just parses out index
values if they are given within a (pseudo-)XPath. I will not bother
reproducing that here.
An (almost) full XPath wrapper.
The trick in making the function 'XPath()' so concise is the fact it
has so little need to worry about XML -per se-. Most of the work here
is just in making sense of the XPath string itself. Some existing
one-line wrapper functions like 'children()', 'text()' and
'attributes()' make the code look a bit nicer, but they are themselves
extremely simple filters. In other words, you could use something
very close to this same function against objects that never derived
from XML.
#------ The gnosis.xml.objectify.utils.XPath() function ---------#
def XPath(o, path):
"Find node(s) within an _XO_ object"
path = path.replace('//','/!!') # Placeholder hack for easy splitting
if path.startswith('/'): # No need for init / since node==root
path = path[1:]
if path.startswith('!!'): # Recursive path fragment
path, start, stop = indices(path)
i = 0
for node in walk_xo(o):
if i >= stop: return
for match in XPath(node, path[2:]):
if start <= i < stop:
yield match
i += 1
elif '/' in path[1:]: # Compound, non-recursive
head, tail = path.split('/', 1)
for node in XPath(o, head):
for match in XPath(node, tail):
yield match
else: # Atomic path fragment
path, start, stop = indices(path)
if path=="*": # Node wildcard
for node in islice(children(o), start, stop):
yield node
elif path=="text()": # Node text(s)
for s in islice(text(o), start, stop):
yield s
elif path.startswith('@*'): # All node attributes
for attr in attributes(o):
yield attr
elif path.startswith('@'): # Specific node attribute
for attr in attributes(o):
if attr[0]==path[1:]:
yield attr
elif hasattr(o, path): # Named node type
for node in islice(getattr(o, path), start, stop):
yield node
From time to time, users have been bothered by the fact that
[gnosis.xml.objectify] does not reserialize its objects to XML. In
comparison with other Python XML bindings, this is said to be a
weakness. Here I disagree: those other bindings still force you to
think of their Python objects in XML terms, not Python terms, in my
opinion. Only "blessed" objects/attributes are serialized, not
everything a Python object might -have-.
For example, in [elmenttree] you can perform steps like:
>>> from elementtree import ElementTree
>>> et = ElementTree.parse("xpath.xml")
>>> et.write(sys.stdout)
But if you change the object 'et' (or any child nodes you might
generate with methods like '.getroot()', '.find()', or '.findall()'),
your additions are not generally serializable. For example, this does
not change the serialization at all, even though it changes the
>>> et.new = 'flaz'
>>> et.getroot().more = 123
>>> et.write(sys.stdout).
Similarly, with [anobind] and its '.unbind()' method. In those
libaries you can add special XML-oriented nodes using API methods like
'.append()', '.insert()', or '.remove()'. But then,
[gnosis.xml.objectify] can also add "blessed" attributes using its
'gnosis.xml.objectify.addChild()' utility function (and using
'gnosis.xml.objectify.createPyObj()' to make a special '_XO_' object
to add.
If you -just- want generic serialization [gnosis.xml.objectify]
objects, perhaps with a few values changed from the original XML, you
can write a utility function to do this in 10 lines:
#------------------ Generic XML serialization -------------------#
def write_xml(o, out=stdout):
"Serialize an _XO_ object back into XML"
out.write("<%s" % tagname(o))
for attr in attributes(o):
out.write(' %s=%s' % attr)
for node in content(o):
if type(node) in StringTypes:
write_xml(node, out=out)
out.write("%s>" % tagname(o))
But to my mind, the real power of working with objects in Python comes
in non-generic serialization and transformation. Rather than just dump
every attribute back to XML, you might want to filter and massage
nodes before writing them. Of course, just what you manipulate depends
on your application requirements.
An approach to XML binding taken by Dave Kuhlman's [generateDS], and
by some other less mature bindings, is to require custom Python
classes for each XML element type in the document(s) being processed.
In Kuhlman's case, these custom classes are generated from
corresponding W3C XML Schemas (but only allow a subset of the full WXS
specification). In contrast, [gnosis.xml.objectify]--along with
[elementtree], [anobind] and some others--will bind any old XML
document without any special programming.
However, [gnosis.xml.objectify], like [anobind] but unlike
[elementtree], lets you create custom node classes if you -want- to
use them. In fact, you can perfectly well substitute the base class
for -every- node object, giving your whole application custom
I think beginning users of [gnosis.xml.objectify] have been
intimidated by the idea of specializing classes per-tagname. A few
examples show just how non-threatening it really is.
Redefining the _XO_ base class.
Whenever you customize a base class, you need to "inject" the next
class back into the 'gnosis.xml.objectify' namespace. This step is
slightly "magic", but not difficult to do. I might give the step a
friendlier name in a wrapper function in the future, but the style
emphasizes that you are changing the module itself. For example, only
tagnames are "mangled" in Gnosis Utilities 1.1.1, but not attribute
names. This makes it more difficult than need be to access attributes
whose name contains characters disallowed in Python variables. One fix
for this would be to also allow dictionary-like access to these
#----------- Adding dictionary-like attribute access ------------#
>>> import gnosis.xml.objectify
>>> class newXO(gnosis.xml.objectify._XO_):
... def __getitem__(self, key):
... return getattr(self,key)
>>> gnosis.xml.objectify._XO_ = newXO
>>> o = make_instance('Stuff')
>>> print o.my__doc['my-name']
>>> getattr(o.my__doc,'my-name') # Works without custom base
Redefining per-tagname node classes.
Redefining base classes is probably of greatest utility for specific
per-tagname classes that you know certain things about. For example,
if a certain element is always a leaf node in a particular document
type (and has no XML attributes), you might want to refer to its
PCDATA just by the node name itself. Of course, if the input XML is not
structured in the way you assume, accessing children is more difficult
in this case. One way to program this behavior is:
>>> from gnosis.xml.objectify import make_instance
>>> xml = '''
... foo
... bar
... '''
group = make_instance(xml)
print group[0].variable[0].description
print group[0].variable[0].description.PCDATA
>>> import gnosis.xml.objectify
>>> class AutoPCDATA(gnosis.xml.objectify._XO_):
... def __repr__(self):
... return self.PCDATA
>>> gnosis.xml.objectify._XO_description = AutoPCDATA
>>> group = make_instance(xml)
>>> print group[0].variable[0].description
You might be even more clever in 'AutoPCDATA' by checking objects for
what other attributes than '.PCDATA' they have, and returning
different values for the different cases.
Another application-specific approach to custom classes would perform
calculated access. One of the several Python bindings called
'XMLObject' gives an example of data about a family with multiple
#---------------------- Family tree as XML ----------------------#
It might be handy to access family members just by name, without
bothering with the whole XML hierarchy. One obvious approach is
with a custom 'Family' class:
#-------- Dictionary-like access into a child attribute ---------#
class Family(gnosis.xml.objectify._XO_):
def __getitem__(self, key):
for member in self.Member:
if member.Name = key:
return member
gnosis.xml.objectify._XO_Family = Family
Family = make_instance('family.xml')
print Family['Janet'].DOB
If names are not quite unique, however, you may want to elaborate on
this particular approach.
The general techniques for wrapping [gnosis.xml.objectify] shown in
this article are meant mostly as examples for more specific
customizations by users. You can obtain an great flexibility and power
by keeping APIs highly open and minimally specified, leaving
customization to an application level rather than a library level.
David has written several prior articles for IBM developerWorks that
touch on the evolving [gnosis.xml.objectify]:
_XML Matters_: On the 'Pythonic' treatment of XML documents as objects(II)
_XML Matters_: Revisiting xml_pickle and xml_objectify
Fredrik Lundh's [elementtree] library is a popular Python XML binding
tool. Its homepage is:
David has discussed [elementtree] in a prior _XML Matters_
Dave Kuhlman's [generateDS] module has a homepage at:
He wrote a nice essay comparing [generateDS] with
[gnosis.xml.objectify]. I believe Gnosis Utilities has grown several
useful additions since then though (but so, probably has
Uche Ogbuji has created a Python XML binding called [anobind] whose
homepage is:
Also of note are Uche's ongoing discussions of many XML binding
On Anobind:
On [gnosis.xml.objectify]:
On [generateDS]:
On ElementTree:
The XPath Language (XPath) Version 1.0:
{Picture of Author: http://gnosis.cx/cgi-bin/img_dqm.cgi}
To David Mertz, all the world is a stage; and his career is devoted to
providing marginal staging instructions. David may be reached at
mertz@gnosis.cx; his life pored over at http://gnosis.cx/publish/.
Suggestions and recommendations on this, past, or future, columns are
welcomed. Check out David's book _Text Processing in Python_ at