(c) WestTech, 2002 -- may be freely distributed if unaltered
CHARMING PYTHON #B11: Declarative Mini-Languages
Programming as assertion rather than instruction
David Mertz, Ph.D.
Essence Preceder, Gnosis Software, Inc.
December, 2002
The object orientation and transparent introspective
capabilities of Python allow you to easily create
-declarative mini-lanaguages- for programming tasks. This
installment is not so much interested in using Python to
interpret or translate other specialized languages (although
that is possible), but rather in ways that Python code itself
can be helpfully restricted to a set of declarative elements.
Ideally a developer can use declarative techniques to state
application requirements in a concise and clear way, while
letting the "behind-the-scenes" framework do the heavy work.
When most programmers think about programming, they imagine
-imperative- styles and techniques for writing applications.
The most popular general purpose programming
languages--including Python and other object-oriented
languages--are predominantly imperative in style. On the other
hand, there are also many programming languages that are
-declarative- in style, including both functional and logic
languages, and also including both general purpose and
specialized ones.
Let me list a few languages that fall in various categories.
Many readers have used many of these tools, without necessarily
thinking about the categorical differences among them. Python,
C, C++, Java, Perl, Ruby, Smalltalk, Fortran, Basic, xBase are
all straightforwardly imperative programming languages. Some
of these are object oriented, but that is simply a matter of
the organization of code and data, not of the fundamental
programming style. In these languages, you -command- the
program to carry out a sequence of instructions: -put- some
data in a variable; -fetch- the data back out of the variable;
-loop- through a block of instructions -until- some condition
is satisfied; do something -if- something else is true. One
nice thing about all these languages is that it is easy to
think about them within familiar temporal metaphors. Ordinary
life consists of doing one thing, making a choice, then doing
another thing, maybe using some tools along the way. It is
easy to imagine the computer that runs a program as a cook, or
a bricklayer, or an automobile driver.
Languages like Prolog, Mercury, SQL, XSLT, EBNF grammars, and
indeed configuration files of various formats, all -declare-
that something is the case, or that certain constraints apply.
Mathematics is generally the same way. The functional
languages--e.g. Haskell, ML, Dylan, Ocaml, Scheme--are similar,
but with more of an emphasis on stating internal (functional)
relationships between programming objects (recursion, lists,
etc.). Our ordinary life, at least in its narrative quality,
provides no direct analog for the programming constructs of
these languages. For those problems you can naturally
describe in these languages, however, declarative descriptions
are far more concise, and -far- less error prone than are
imperative solutions. For example, consider a set of linear
#------------- Linear equations system sample ---------#
10x + 5y - 7z + 1 = 0
17x + 5y - 10z + 3 = 0
5x - 4y + 3z - 6 = 0
This is a rather elegant shorthand that names several
relationships among objects (x, y, and z). You might come
across these facts in various ways in real life, but actually
"solving for x" with pencil-and-paper is a matter of messy
details, prone to error. Writing the steps in Python is
probably even worse from a debugging perspective.
Prolog is a language that comes close to logic or mathematics.
In it, you simply write statements you know to be true, then
ask the application to derive consequences for you. Statements
are composed in no particular order (as the linear equations
have no order), and you the programmer/user have no real idea
what steps are taken to derive results. For example:
#--------------- family.pro Prolog sample ----------------#
/* Adapted from sample at:
This app can answer questions about sisterhood & love, e.g.:
# Is alice a sister of harry?
?-sisterof( alice, harry )
# Which of alice' sisters love wine?
?-sisterof( X, alice ), love( X, wine)
sisterof( X, Y ) :- parents( X, M, F ),
female( X ),
parents( Y, M, F ).
parents( edward, victoria, albert ).
parents( harry, victoria, albert ).
parents( alice, victoria, albert ).
female( alice ).
loves( harry, wine ).
loves( alice, wine ).
Not quite identical, but similar in spirit is an EBNF grammar
declaration (Extended Backus-Naur Form). You might write some
declarations like:
#--------------------- EBNF sample -----------------------#
word := alphanums, (wordpunct, alphanums)*, contraction?
alphanums := [a-zA-Z0-9]+
wordpunct := [-_]
contraction := "'", ("clock"/"d"/"ll"/"m"/"re"/"s"/"t"/"ve")
This is a compact way of stating what a word -would- look like
if you were to encounter one, without actually giving
sequential instructions on how to recognize one. A regular
expression is similar (and in fact suffices for this particular
grammar production).
For yet another declarative example, consider a document type
declaration that describes a dialect of valid XML documents.
#-------- An XML document type declaration ---------------#
As with the other examples, the DTD language does not contain
any instructions about what to do to recognize or create a
valid XML document. It merely describes what one would be like
if it were to exist. There is a subjunctive mood to
declarative languages.
Python libraries can utilize declarative languages in one of
two, fairly distinct, ways. Perhaps the more common technique
is to parse and process non-Python declarative languages as
data. An application or a library can read in an external
source (or a string defined internally, but just as a "blob"),
then figure out a set of imperative steps to carry out that
conform in some way with those external declaration. In
essence, these types of libraries are "data-driven" systems;
there is a conceptual and category gap between the declarative
language and what a Python application does to carry out or
utilize its declarations. In fact, quite commonly,
libraries to process those identical declarations are
also implemented for other programming languages.
All the examples given above fall under this first technique.
The libary [PyLog] is a Python implementation of a Prolog
system. It reads a Prolog data file like the sample, then
creates Python objects to -model- the Prolog declarations. The
EBNF sample uses the particular variant of [SimpleParse], which
is a Python library that transforms these declarations into
state tables that can be used by [mx.TextTools].
[mx.TextTools] is itself an extension library for Python that
uses an underlying C engine to run code stored in Python data
structures, but having little to do with Python -per se-.
Python is great -glue- for these tasks, but the languages glued
together are very different from Python. Most Prolog
implementations, furthermore, are written in languages other
than Python, as are most EBNF parsers.
A DTD is similar to the other examples. If you use a
validating parser like [xmlproc], you can utilize a DTD to
verify the dialect of an XML document. But the language of a
DTD is un-Pythonic, and [xmlproc] just uses it as data that
needs to be parsed. Moroever, XML validating parsers have been
written in many programming languages. An XSLT transformation
is similar again, it is not Python specific, and a module like
[ft.4xslt] just uses Python as glue.
While there is nothing -wrong- with the above approaches and the
abovementioned tools (I use them all the time), it might be
more elegant--and in some ways more expressive--if Python
itself could be the declarative language. If nothing else,
libraries that facilitated this would not require programmers
to think about two (or more) languages when writing one
application. At times it is natural and powerful to lean on
Python introspective capabilities to implement "native"
The parsers [Spark] and [PLY] let users declare Python values
-in Python-, then use some magic to let the Python runtime
environment act as the configuration of parsing. For example,
let us look at the [PLY] equivalent of the prior [SimpleParse]
grammar. [Spark] is similar to the example:
#---------------------- PLY sample -----------------------#
t_ALPHANUMS = r"[a-zA-Z0-0]+"
t_WORDPUNCT = r"[-_]"
t_CONTRACTION = r"'(clock|d|ll|m|re|s|t|ve)"
def t_WHITESPACE(t):
t.value = " "
return t
import lex
while 1:
t = lex.token()
if not t: break
I have written about [PLY] in my forthcoming book _Text
Processing in Python_, and have written about [Spark] in this
column. Without going into details of the libraries, what you
should notice here is that it is the Python bindings themselves
that configure the parsing (actually lexing/tokening in this
example). The [PLY] module just happens to know enough about
the Python environment it is running in to act on these pattern
Just -how- [PLY] knows what it does involves some pretty fancy
Python programming. At a first level, an intermediate
programmer will realize that she can probe the contents of the
'globals()' and 'locals()' dictionaries. That would be fine if
the declaration style were slightly different. For example,
imagine the code were more like:
#----------- Using imported module namespace -------------#
import basic_lex as _
_.ALPHANUMS = r"[a-zA-Z0-0]+"
_.WORDPUNCT = r"[-_]"
_.CONTRACTION = r"'(clock|d|ll|m|re|s|t|ve)"
This style would not be any less declarative, and the [basic_lex]
module could hypothetically contain something simple like:
#--------------------- basic_lex.py ----------------------#
def lex():
for t in tokens:
print t, '=', globals()[t]
Which would produce:
% python basic_app.py
ALPHANUMS = [a-zA-Z0-0]+
CONTRACTION = '(clock|d|ll|m|re|s|t|ve)
[PLY] manages to poke into the namespace of the importing
module using stack frame information. For example:
#--------------------- magic_lex.py ----------------------#
import sys
try: raise RuntimeError
except RuntimeError:
e,b,t = sys.exc_info()
caller_dict = t.tb_frame.f_back.f_globals
def lex():
for t in caller_dict['tokens']:
print t, '=', caller_dict['t_'+t]
This produces the same output given in the 'basic_app.py'
sample, but with declarations using the prior 't_TOKEN' style.
There is more magic than this in the actual [PLY] module. We
saw that the tokens named with the pattern 't_TOKEN' can
actually be either strings containing regular expressions, or
functions that contain both regular expression docstrings along
with action code. Some type checking allows polymorphic
#--------------------- polymorphic_lex -------------------#
# ...determine caller_dict using RuntimeError...
from types import *
def lex():
for t in caller_dict['tokens']:
t_obj = caller_dict['t_'+t]
if type(t_obj) is FunctionType:
print t, '=', t_obj.__doc__
print t, '=', t_obj
Obviously, the actual [PLY] module does something more
interesting with these declared patterns than the toy examples,
but these demonstrate some techniques involved.
Letting a support library poke around in and manipulate an
application's namespace can enable an elegant declarative
style. But often, using inheritance structures together with
introspection allows an even greater flexibility.
The module [gnosis.xml.validity] is a framework for creating
classes that map directly to DTD productions. Any
[gnosis.xml.validiy] class can -only- be instantiated with
arguments obeying XML dialect validity constraints. Actually
that is not quite true, the module will also infer the proper
types from simpler arguments when there is only one,
unambiguous, way of "lifting" the arguments to the correct
Since I wrote the [gnosis.xml.validity] module, I am biased to
thinking its purpose is itself interesting. But for this
article, I just want to look at the declarative style in which
validity classes are created. A set of rules/classes matching
the prior DTD sample consists of:
#--------- gnosis.xml.validity rule declarations ---------#
from gnosis.xml.validity import *
class figure(EMPTY): pass
class _mixedpara(Or): _disjoins = (PCDATA, figure)
class paragraph(Some): _type = _mixedpara
class title(PCDATA): pass
class _paras(Some): _type = paragraph
class chapter(Seq): _order = (title, _paras)
class dissertation(Some): _type = chapter
You might create instances out of these declarations using:
ch1 = LiftSeq(chapter, ("1st Title","Validity is important"))
ch2 = LiftSeq(chapter, ("2nd Title","Declaration is fun"))
diss = dissertation([ch1, ch2])
print diss
Notice how closely the classes match the prior DTD. The
mapping is basically one-to-one; except it is necessary to use
intermediaries for quantification and alternation of nested
tags (intermediary names are marked by a leading underscore).
Notice also that these classes, while created using standard
Python syntax, are unusual (and more concise) in having no
methods or instance data. Classes are defined solely to
inherit from some framework, where that framework is narrowed
by a single class attribute. For example, a '' is a
sequence of other tags, namely a '' followed by one or
more '' tags. But all we need to do to assure the
constrain is obeyed in the instances is -declare- the 'chapter'
class in this straightforward manner.
The main "trick" involved in programming parent classes like
'gnosis.xml.validity.Seq' is to look at the '.__class__'
attribute of an -instance- during initialization. The class
'chapter' does not have its own initialization, so its parent's
'__init__()' method is called. But the 'self' passed to the
parent '__init__()' is an instance of 'chapter', and it knows
it. To illustrate, this is part of the implementation of
#--------------- Class gnosis.xml.validity.Seq -----------#
class Seq(tuple):
def __init__(self, inittup):
if not hasattr(self.__class__, '_order'):
raise NotImplementedError, \
"Child of Abstract Class Seq must specify order"
if not isinstance(self._order, tuple):
raise ValidityError, "Seq must have tuple as order"
self._tag = self.__class__.__name__
Once an application programmer tries to create a 'chapter'
instance, the instantiation code checks that 'chapter' was
declared with the required '._order' class attribute, and that
this attribute is the needed tuple object. The method
'.validate()' peforms some further checks to make sure that the
objects the instance was initialized with belong to the
corresponding classes specified in '._order'.
A declarative programming style is -almost always- a more
direct way of stating constraints than is an imperative or
procedural one. Of course, not all programming problems are
about constraints--or at least that is not always a natural
formulation. But problems of rule based systems, such as
grammars and inference systems, are much easier to manage if
they can be described declaratively. Imperative verification
of grammaticality quickly turns into spaghetti code, and is
difficult to debug. Statments of patterns and rules can remain
much simpler.
Of course, at least in Python, the verification or enforcement
of declared rules will always boil down to procedural checks.
But the right place for such procedural checks is is
well-tested library code. Individual applications should rely
on the simpler declarative interfaces provided by libraries
like [Spark], or [PLY], or [gnosis.xml.validity]. Other
libraries like [xmlproc], [SimpleParse], or [ft.4xslt] also
enable declarative styles, although not declarations -in
Python- (which is appropriate for their domains, of course).
The Python implementation of Prolog [PyLog] can be found at:
The module [SimpleParse] can be downloaded from:
I discussed [SimpleParse] in a prior _Charming Python_
And [Spark] in:
My column _XML Matters_ had a prior column looking at
I wrote about both [SimpleParse] and [PLY] in my forthcoming
book _Text Processing in Python_, whose drafts can be found at:
{Picture of Author: http://gnosis.cx/cgi-bin/img_dqm.cgi}
David Mertz, being a sort of Foucauldian Berkeley, believes,
-esse est denunte-. David may be reached at mertz@gnosis.cx;
his life pored over at http://gnosis.cx/publish/. Suggestions
and recommendations on this, past, or future, columns are