ADDING INTROSPECTION AND OBJECT PERSISTENCE TO XBASE++ David Mertz, Ph.D. Gnosis Software, Inc. April 2000 ABSTRACT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This article discusses how version-safe object persistence and introspection can be implemented in XBase++, and a few of the uses for which one might want to do this. RESOURCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The source code and library documentation contained at the end of this this article may also be downloaded from: URL: A note on intellectual property is worthwhile here. I don't believe in it. Not at all; not even in the reluctant way that BSD-style licenses do. If you want to use this source or the accompanying documentation in any project of your own--free, commercial, or even unfree but unpaid--I will be pleased to have made a contribution to the human community, and do not wish to impose any further obligation upon you. Although I do not impose any obligation upon you for the ideas mentioned, there are a few things I consider polite conduct. (1) If you think something I created helps you, I would certainly be interested in hearing about it; (2) I consider it good manners to make a certain acknowledgment of people who help you out, such as in documents accompanying products or code you distribute; (3) On the off chance that I create something that has significant re-use value for other programmers, I certainly would not object to receiving donations similar to what one might pay for commercial products of similar utility. But all that is just my opinion on good manners; not any legal restriction on derived works. INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alaska's XBase++ compiler supports a superset of the Clipper language developed by Computer Associates. Unlike CA-Clipper (a DOS product), XBase++ is targeted at Win32 and OS/2, including native GUI development on those platforms. At the same time, backwards-compatible compilation options are provided for extremely easy recompilation of legacy Clipper/DOS code, with the option for incremental improvements to a GUI and event-driven environment. One important addition to Clipper that XBase++ provides is the option of using object-oriented programming techniques. XBase++ both provides a very clean syntax for combining OOP and procedural code, and implements a very clear expression of OOP concepts. Almost every OOP technique one would want is present in XBase++: (multiple) inheritence, encapsulation, and polymorphism, of course; but also good scope and access control, and class methods and data. However, at least two niceties are absent from XBase++ OOP system: a version-safe object persistence mechanism, and (relatedly) object introspection. Fortunately, these two additional features can be added to XBase++ by creating some carefully designed ancestor classes, and obeying a few conventions in class data members. ABOUT INTROSPECTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Even many programmers familiar with object-oriented programming will be unfamiliar with introspection (the concept is also sometimes called "metadata"). Introspection is not among the canonical list of what defines OOP (inheritence, encapsulation, polymorphism), and is absent from many OOP languages (such as C++, Eiffel, and XBase++ by default). What "introspection" means is just the ability of a class or instance to tell other parts of a program what it *has* or what it *does* at runtime. You can usually determine this from the source code, of course. But in some contexts there is runtime dynamic class creation; and more often the source code is not available, but you still want to do something with an object. "Unavailable" is a loose concept, by the way: it might simply mean that someone else is working on a particular class, and you want to write code that does something with its instances without having to wait for the final version of the class to be written. Some languages that have rich notions of introspection are Smalltalk, Python, and Java. Java--probably the most widespread introspective language--introduced introspection in a way somewhat similar to that discussed in this article: as part of the JavaBean standard. That is, introspection is not really a language feature of Java, but rather a documented convention for writing classes that layer on introspection. Smalltalk and Python, on the other hand--probably related to their extreme dynamism--are introspective at the heart of their language definitions. Such differences in the "depth" of introspection has some implications for what we can do in XBase++. Specifically, we will be able to add introspection to classes we create ourselves, but we must remain blind to classes we do not control (such as the built in "XBase Parts"). The limitation of XBase++ (as of 1.2) in regard to "deep" introspection comes down to its provision of only "shallow" metadata functions. Specifically, two of the functions XBase++ provides us with--IsMemberVar() and IsMethod()--really are introspective functions. These functions answer a certain question about what an object *has* and *does*. But the questions they answer is simply not as general as the questions that might be answered by the hypothetical functions ArrayMemberVars() and ArrayMethods()--which in my scenario would return arrays listing all the member variables and methods. On the plus side for generality (and clarity even, I think), XBase++ implements the Clipper macro syntax, even in OOP expressions. This allows code like the following to work: instance := MyClass():new() instance:myData := "Gnosis Software" varName := "myData" ? instance:&(varName) // Result: Gnosis Software ABOUT OBJECT PERSISTENCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As with introspection, object persistence is non-canonical, and not all OOP languages have it. What "object persistence" is is pretty simple, however. It is the capability of saving a class instance from one execution context in order to use it in a different execution context. The second context can be seperated in either time or space. In a distributed network, sometimes we want to create an object on one machine, then ship it across the network to be used by another machine. Java's RMI is an example of this; CORBA is another; XML-RPC is another; DCOM is yet another; and JINI takes the idea about as far as it might go (as an extension of RMI). But sometimes our desire for persistence is a bit more mundane than that motivated by the sea of acronyms in the last sentence. Sometimes we just want to save what our program is doing in order to continue with it later. In a sense, that is what a database is all about to start with; but a relational database may be a clumsy way to store an OOP object that is not relational in structure. In these cases, it is easier to store the object itself (maybe in a database, maybe in the file-system, where it lives is not the main point). You can have object persistence without having introspection. But what is difficult to have is *version-safe* object persistence without having introspection. That is, once a program restores an object that has been stored somewhere (or transmitted to it), it often makes sense to ask whether the object just restored is the same type of thing as another object that might be generated by the program (especially if the two have identical class names). In this sense, introspection comes first, and (version-safe) object persistence is built on top of it. ENOUGH COMPUTER SCIENCE, WHY BOTHER? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What got me worrying about all the somewhat theoretical OOP concerns outlined above was a very practical concern. I was working as a consultant in converting an old CA-Clipper application to XBase++ 1.2 (Win32). But the issue could equally well come up in developing an application from scratch. Two concerns were raised by my client; and the solutions turn out to be almost the same. The old application had an error logging capability that replaced the default Clipper Error System. Among other things, when a crash occurred in the old application, it would log some information about the application state to a log file. This log file could be transmitted to technical support at the company supporting the application in order to identify the source of the problem. This sort of system is familiar to many Clipper programmers (or programmers of other languages, for that matter). However, one thing the old error logging system definitely *could not* do was to report meaningfully on what was happening with active instances of the new XBase++ classes. The error system provided by Alaska does a little bit in this regard, but only a little. The second issue was that we wanted to make various aspects of the system--especially the user interface--configurable. There are many ways to store configuration information, of course; but we decided that a "Configuration" class would be a good way to do it. The advantage of using OOP for configuration options is that it nests well. A configurable feature may itself consist of multiple sub-features. While it is certainly possible to store sub-features in an INI file or a DBF, the model of an object that "has" various attributes--including some attributes that are themselves objects-- just seemed to fit what we wanted. The fact that the development was in a process of design at the same time as being coded seemed to reinforce this idea. If we just store a Configuration instance to disk, there would be no need to re-normalize our configuration database, or add new fields to a DBF or INI file, as we went along. SOLVING THE PROBLEMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adding introspection to our own classes allows reporting object state information in an error log, or in other context where it is useful to know just what is in a class instance. Or rather, adding introspection allows us to report at a higher level of generality than would be possible without it. Any OOP system can manipulate or display the contents of instance data members if we know what specific members an instance has. For example, in XBase++, we might have source lines like: instance := MyClass():new() instance:myData := "Gnosis Software" [...] ? instance:myData // Result: Gnosis Software This answers the specific question, "What value does the data member 'myData' of the object 'instance' hold?" Introspection adds the capability of asking the meta-question "What are the data members of 'instance', and what values are stored in those members?" For example, using the provided function STRINGIFY(), we can report on an arbitrary object without knowing about its data members in advance: ? STRINGIFY(instance) // Result: // (obj)MyClass // [Exposed member data] // myBoolean = .F. // version = 19990921 // myData = Gnosis Software // myNum = 137 // // [Exposed member methods] // init XBase++ itself provides us with the useful Var2Bin() function--and its partner Bin2Var()--which do most of the work of object persistence. In fact, in the provided source code, the storage of an object instance only thinly wraps Var2Bin(). A whole method of the parent class Persistent is: METHOD Persistent:_toDisk(child, cFile) MEMOWRIT(cFile, Var2Bin(child)) RETURN child If we just wanted object persistence, we would not need to look any farther than this. But what we actually want is *version-safe* object persistence. Specific to the Configuration that motivated this, we wish to be able to take several steps: 1. Read a stored Configuration instance; 2. Check whether the instance matches current application version; 3. If the instance is from an old version, fill in any unavailable configuration options with current default values. What we get out of taking these steps is the ability to add new Configuration options as we go along, but still maintain the compatibility with stored configurations from previous application versions. The example (and actual use) of a configuration file is particularly clear, but in general the same mechanism would work for storage and retrieval of any versioned OOP data. INTROSPECTION CONVENTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The full details can be found in the included source code and library documentation. But it is worth summarizing our conventions in this main text. Introspection is implemented using a specific convention in *every* class created in a project. This requires some extra attention in writing the class code, but is pretty mechanical to perform. Every class defines data members with the names "_data" and "_methods". Each of these simply contains an array of strings listing the respective types of class members. I have used the convention of an initial underscore in the name of every data member and method that is *not* to be exposed (including the data members "_data" and "_methods"). This convention allows us to shield some class members from introspection; we might do this either because we think that some members are entirely accidental to implementation, and should not be exposed, or because some members relate to the internal mechanism of introspection and persistence (and should not, as such, be exposed). Ultimately, the programmer has freedom to expose whatever she wishes to, and hide everything else. An example of a class which exposes introspection, but is not directly persistent is ColorScheme. The :init() method of an instrospective class has the special responsibility to initialize the data members "_data" and "_members". For example: METHOD ColorScheme:init() // Introspection data ::_data := { "Activeborder", "Passiveborder", ; "Hilite", "Shadow", "Titlebar", "Titletext", ; "Statusbar", "DialogBG", ; "SchemeName" } ::_methods := { "init", "Old", "Windows" } ::Old() RETURN self Actually creating these lines in the :init() method is basically as simple as copying a few lines from the class' declaration. See the source code for ColorScheme.prg as an illustration. For a good example of what to do with a class instance, look at the STRINGIFY() function used above (its source code and documentation are in this package also). In your own project, you will probably want to make additional uses of introspection; but the model in STRINGIFY() is easy to follow and adapt. PERSISTENCE CONVENTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As was mentioned, nothing much is needed for object persistence per se. But some conventions are very useful to deal with instance versioning. The way this is handled in the provided library code is to create an Abstract Parent Class Persistent. XBase++ does not implement the keyword 'ABSTRACT', as some languages do. But it does the equivalent thing with the keyword 'DEFERRED' which applies to methods. If one or more methods are deferred, the class is an abstract class. Every class that wishes to be persistent should inherit from Class Persistent. In our library samples, the only class that does so is Configuration (however, a ColorScheme instance is a data member of a Configuration instance, so it gains persistence vicariously). The Persistent parent class provides a unified approach to versioning issues; it also implements the actual storage/retrieval methods. In the provided code, storage is just MEMOREAD()/MEMOWRIT() calls; but by having a parent class, we could globally reimplement a different storage technique without having to make any changes to child classes. Classes that inherit from Persistent have several obligations in implementing DEFERRED methods. Fortunately, as with introspection, the conventions are pretty mechanical. The clearest thing is to examine Configuration.prg to see how all the conventions are followed (the source file is well documented). One special line needs to be included in the child's :init() method and several special requirements apply to the child's declaration. The :init() method should include the following line: ::Persistent:_init(self) In the child class declaration, an initClass() method should be used, and should contain the lines in the below example (if other actions specific to the child class are required, they may be added, of course). The DEFERRED method exposeSelf() should also be implemented, and should contain exactly the lines listed in the example (adjusting for the current date in the version, and for the actual data members and methods of the child class). Several (non-exposed) methods are implemented in Persistent, and are named with a leading underscore. The corresponding methods without the underscore are DEFERRED in Persistent, and the child must implement them. In most cases, the implementation of each exposed method will be no more than a call to the corresponding underscored method. All in all, the following is a sufficient class declaration for a child of Persistent. Obviously, if you want the class to do more, add the capabilities it needs. CLASS MyClass FROM Persistent PROTECTED: INLINE CLASS METHOD initClass ::exposeSelf() ::exposeParent() RETURN self INLINE CLASS METHOD exposeSelf ::C_version := 20000501 ::C_data := {"myBoolean", "myData", "myNum"} ::C_methods := { } RETURN self EXPORTED: VAR myBoolean, myData, myNum METHOD init INLINE METHOD fromDisk(c) ; RETURN ::Persistent:_fromDisk(self, c) INLINE METHOD antiquated() ; RETURN ::Persistent:_antiquated(self) INLINE METHOD uptoDate() ; RETURN ::Persistent:_uptoDate(self) INLINE METHOD toDisk(c) ; RETURN ::Persistent:_toDisk(self,"fname") INLINE METHOD verUpdate ; RETURN ::Persistent:_verUpdate(self) ENDCLASS These few conventions are simple to follow, and wind up providing version-safe object persistence for any child class that follows them. WORKING WITH A PERSISTENT CHILD ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I developed the below test script (included with a few extra comments as tstcfg.prg) to validate persistence and versioning of a Configuration instance. This is a quick workout of the basic Persistent methods. oCfg := Configuration():new() ? "Testing Configuration Class" ? "------------------------------------------" ? "Class version", Configuration():C_version ? "New Instance version", oCfg:version ? "Up to date?", oCfg:uptoDate() ? ? "oCfg:Font_Alert", oCfg:Font_Alert ? ? "Change version", (oCfg:version := 2) ? "Up to date?", oCfg:uptoDate() ? ? "Write to disk, read back configuration" ? "------------------------------------------" oCfg:toDisk("USER.CFG") oCfg := Configuration():new():fromDisk("USER.CFG") ? ? "Read Instance version", oCfg:version ? "Up to date?", oCfg:uptoDate() ? ? "What's antiquated?" ? oCfg:antiquated() ? "Try updating the diskfile version" ? "------------------------------------------" oCfg := oCfg:verUpdate() oCfg:toDisk("USER.CFG") oCfg := Configuration():new():fromDisk("USER.CFG") ? ? "Read Instance version", oCfg:version ? "Up to date?", oCfg:uptoDate() ? ? "What's antiquated?" ? oCfg:antiquated() The output from the above steps should be similar to the below. Examining the two should make clear the use of each Persistent method. Testing Configuration Class ------------------------------------------ Class version 19990924 New Instance version 19990924 Up to date? .T. oCfg:Font_Alert 10.Arial Change version 2 Up to date? .F. Write to disk, read back configuration ------------------------------------------ Read Instance version 2 Up to date? .F. What's antiquated? Summary of instance data availability: - Instance version = 2 - Class version = 19990924 <> available in this instance <> available in this instance <> available in this instance <> available in this instance <> available in this instance <> available in this instance <> available in this instance Try updating the diskfile version ------------------------------------------ Read Instance version 19990924 Up to date? .T. What's antiquated? This instance matches the current format