Sharing Computers on a Linux (or Heterogeneous) Network: Part Two More VNC, DToC, remote X, and security David Mertz, Ph.D. Gnosis Software, Inc. December, 20001 This article is the second of two comparing SSH, remote X, and VNC, and other technologies as ways of remotely running applications. In this part, I take a look at some VNC configuration issues, glance at IBM's Desktop on Call, introduce remote X, and talk a bit about security. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the first part of this pair of articles on "Sharing Computers," I described my heterogeneous local network, and how I use it to compare and test applications on different OS's and architectures. Several technologies exist to allow a user at one workstation to run an application that lives on another computer. SSH provides text terminals to remote computers; the X Window System can be used to display interactive applications on different workstations than where they actually run; VNC can act as a "remote-control" to an entire remote desktop. Each technology has advantages and disadvantages. They all run on Linux, but different variations (host or remote) allow interaction with various other OS environments (for heterogeneous networks). Using combinations of these tools, I can sit at one workstation (the one with the best monitor, keyboard and chair), and run, test, and time applications on a bunch of platforms--usually without rebooting anything. The earlier article introduced SSH and VNC. This one talks a bit more about VNC, then moves on to remote X and security. Background on My Network Setup ------------------------------------------------------------------------ My local network has seven nodes on it--named Apollo, Bacchus, Chaos, Delphi, Echo, and Gaia. These nodes are assigned local IP addresses through, in the obvious order. For the most part, the same physical machine gets the same IP address when multi-booted to different OS's (but sometimes I use DHCP, which assigns addresses above The whole thing sits behind a hardware firewall/router, and I trust the firewall enough that I am perhaps not as paranoid as I should be about the services that run on the local machines. Those readers who need to share computers over the public internet should worry a bit more about security matters than I do. The above details will let a readers follow some shell examples that I give below. The machine I actually sit at is Bacchus, and has IP address Configuring VNC ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We saw earlier how to launch VNC on a Linux platform, and considered some issues about screen geometry and color-depth. But we left aside consideration of some important matters around configuring and using VNC. In this article we focus only on the usage of Unix-like 'Xvnc' servers, other systems have similar concepts but implement configuration differently (often through menus and dialogs instead of command-lines and configuration files). The first time 'vncserver' runs within a given user account, it asks you to specify the password VNC clients will need to use to connect. In addition, some default configuration files are created. Let us take a look at this first run: #---------- Creating default VNC configuration ------------# [vnc-user@fury vnc-user]$ vncserver You will require a password to access your desktops. Password: Verify: New 'X' desktop is fury.gnosis.lan:3 Creating default startup script /home/vnc-user/.vnc/xstartup Starting applications specified in /home/vnc-user/.vnc/xstartup Log file is /home/vnc-user/.vnc/fury.gnosis.lan:3.log Here we create a VNC session. The default resolution is used when nothing to the contrary is specified on the command line--the default geometry is 1024x768, and the default color-depth is 8-bit. The previous article showed how to create a script file that used other resolutions. The noteworthy thing in the initiation is the '~/.vnc/xstartup' file that is created during the first run. This file controls what happens when the VNC session is created--most notably, which window manager is used. The first time '~/.vnc/xstartup' is created, the window manager specified is 'twm', which is an extremely minimal window manager that is present on nearly every X Window System machine. On the plus side, the minimal nature of 'twm' makes it about the most bandwidth friendly way possible to run VNC. On the minus side, 'twm' lacks most of the bells-and-whistles of a full "desktop manager" like KDE, Gnome of WindowMaker. Many users will want to edit their 'xstartup'--below is an example I have modified: #-------------- Customized VNC 'startup' ----------------# #!/bin/sh xrdb $HOME/.Xresources xsetroot -solid grey #xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" & #twm & #exec wmaker exec startkde In the example, I have commented out the default 'twm', and also the default launch of an 'xterm'. I have commented out, as well, the launch of WindowMaker that I used for a while. I did not actually delete those lines in case I want to restore them later. What I actually do with this account is launch KDE. However, I have configured this particular KDE desktop to avoid color gradients on the background and title bars, and use a minimum of animation effects. Minimizing the busyness of the desktop makes KDE easier on the channel bandwidth. Similar principles apply to whatever window manager you prefer. One final note is on killing VNC sessions you have launched. You need to do this on the server end (including from a 'vncviewer' window, which will sever the connection once you kill the server; but this causes no harm). A quick way to see what VNC sessions have been launched is with 'ps -ax | grep vnc' If you want, you can use the Linux 'kill' command to end a session, but this can leave some dangling semaphore files that you will later need to manually delete. The cleaner approach is usually 'vncserver -kill :1'--but if you want to force-kill a user VNC process from the root account, use the 'kill' command. Desktop on Call and eComStation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Readers of these my columns, and of this pair of articles, may have been slightly surprised by my occassional references to using OS/2, which has diminished in popularity (and even more in IBM attention) for a number of years. My "official" story is probably the observation that the Workplace Shell of OS/2 Warp is still far ahead of any GUI that has appeared on Linux, Windows, MacOS, or even BeOS. The WPS really is that good--but the actual reason for my continuing usage is mostly inertia on my part. Over the years, I have built up a large set of tools I am familiar and comfortable with on OS/2, and they work well with each other. I've never quite managed to fill all the gaps for my daily use when I boot to other systems (90% happiness still requires an occassional reboot). Given my stubbornness, I was exciting recently to receive a reviewer's copy of Serenity Systems' eComStation, which is an enhancement and rebundling of IBM's Warp 4.5/Workspace on Demand by a third-party licensee. eComStation (eCS) was released just this year, and includes both all the newest patches to the "Warp core" and a bunch of extra tools. One of the tools included with eCS is an IBM product called "Desktop on Call (DToC)." Versions of DToC server are also available for Windows and Linux, but are hard to buy in the USA. What DToC does is a lot like what VNC does. The DToC server piggybacks on the HTTP protocol (and by default uses port 80) to serve a "remote desktop" across a network--either a LAN or the internet. The client application for DToC is any webbrowser with JavaScript and Java enabled. Basically, just like the VNC-java client, a webbrowser is the connection interface to DToC. And DToC has the exact same issue with locally captured keystrokes, multi-key sequences, and bandwidth/resolution tradeoffs as VNC does. There are a couple advantages DToC has over VNC. The security issues are integrated into DToC, rather than travelling through other layers and translations that you need to configure separately. The piggybacking on HTTP means that DToC gets through a firewall more easily than VNC does (but that is both good and bad). As well, within DToC one gets a file transfer interface, so no separate FTP, Samba, NFS, or similar file transfer server necessarily needs to run on the server machine, as long as DToC is running (as you would need with VNC). On the down side, DToC feels a bit less responsive than VNC overall--not terrible, but a little less good. Another tool bundled with eCS is an X Server called Hoblink X11. I have not experimented with that yet, but when I do, this might bring even better integration into the OS/2 node(s) of my local network (but Linux still does the best job of "playing nice"). Remote X Window System ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The X Window System is a remarkably nice software idea. All the more so given that it was first invented in 1984 (before Microsoft Windows 1.0, and just slightly after the first Macintosh). For most Linux users, the X Window System (or "X11", but properly speaking -not- "X Windows") is probably just the API that their window manager calls to display GUI applications locally. But X11 is actually something more interesting. X11 always has a client and a server, even when both of them run on the same physical machine. The X client and X server are probably the opposite of what one would initially think they are. An X server is a device that is willing to "serve" a display capability to an underlying application. An X client is a particular application that would like some X server to provide it with a place to put its visual output. Running on a local workstation, the server and client communicate over a purely internal channel, and one does not much need to think about it. But when there are local and remote machines involved, the local one is usually the X server and the remote one is usually the X client. However, once in a while, you might want something to get displayed at a workstation you are not at, and the roles could be reversed. The X Window System itself is really just an API that has calls like "draw a window at these coordinates". To actually do much with the X Window System, you usually run a -window manager- on top of it, which lets you do things like move windows, minimize them, and launch new X clients. Let us take a look at how we might launch a remote application (X client) to display on a local workstation. All the machines in the demonstration are Linux, but other systems with X servers and clients will work in a similar manner. The first thing we want to do is figure out what IP address our local machine uses; 'ifconfig' is a good tool to do this: #---- Finding IP address of local machine (X Server) ----# [root@bacchus /root]# ifconfig eth0 eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:48:54:83:82:AD inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:15933 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:10426 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 Interrupt:10 Base address:0xe800 Next we want to make sure that an application on the remote machine will have local permission to use our local X server: #---- Setting X Server authorization (1st remove all) ---# [root@bacchus /root]# xhost - access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect [root@bacchus /root]# xhost + being added to access control list Next we will need to be able to launch an application to run on the remote machine. We -could- go to the physical machine (or get someone else to), but most of the time opening a remote shell session is the easiest thing (here the insecure 'telnet' method is used): #----- Connecting to remote machine Fury (X Client) -----# [root@bacchus /root]# telnet -l quilty Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. Password: Last login: Tue Nov 27 18:07:51 from If all goes well, the remote machine will automatically detect the machine that is connecting. But see below for what to do otherwise: #---- Check DISPLAY environment var on X Client Fury ----# [quilty@fury quilty]$ echo $DISPLAY bacchus.gnosis.lan:0 Now we can launch an X client. For the example, the trivial (but cute) application 'xeyes' is used (it displays of pair of eyes on screen that follow the mouse cursor): #--- Launch an app on X Client to display on X Server ---# [quilty@fury quilty]$ xeyes & [1] 9939 *Some failures in launching remote application* Occassionally something goes wrong in the above sequence. Let us look at some typical problems: #---------- Connect to remote machine Delphi ------------# [root@bacchus /root]# /usr/local/bin/ssh quilty@ quilty@'s password: Last login: Wed Nov 28 01:06:08 2001 from Linux 2.2.19. Try to above sequence: #--- Check DISPLAY environment var on X Client Delphi ---# quilty@delphi:~$ echo $DISPLAY quilty@delphi:~$ xeyes & [1] 17668 quilty@delphi:~$ Error: Can't open display: [1]+ Exit 1 xeyes Since there was no value automatically detected for the 'DISPLAY' environment variable, the X client has no idea where it has no idea which server will do the displaying for it: #----- No (or wrong) DISPLAY was set, 'export' value ----# quilty@delphi:~$ export DISPLAY= quilty@delphi:~$ xeyes & [1] 17669 quilty@delphi:~$ Xlib: connection to "" refused by server Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server Error: Can't open display: [1]+ Exit 1 xeyes Making progress, but Bacchus hasn't authorized Delphi to use its X server yet (we need to switch to a local xterm to fix this): #-------- X Server refused connection, enable it --------# [root@bacchus /root]# xhost + being added to access control list All is well: #--- Launch an app on X Client to display on X Server ---# quilty@delphi:~$ xeyes & [1] 17670 Security Issues ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the first part of this series we mentioned that both VNC and remote X11 are insecure over internet channels. The whole remote diplay gets shipped unencrypted over public routers. I do not worry on my private LAN, behind my firewall. But if I wanted to use these techniques to share remote computers across the world (or even across town), the VNC or X11 protocols should be "layered" over SSH. There is really no loss in doing this, and SSH even (optionally) adds its own compression layer to enhance performance. But you need to configure it. To configure VNC-over-SSH, the best thing to do is to read the article "Making VNC more secure using SSH." That is well written, and says everything I might. Layering X over SSH is pretty easy to. Assuming you are using OpenSSH, you will need to modify a file called 'sshd_config' to allow this. Different Linux distributions put this file in somewhat different places. Mandrake 7.1 keeps it at '/usr/local/etc/'; Slackware 7.0 uses'/etc/ssh/'. In any case, what you want to make sure the file contains is: X11Forwarding yes You will need to restart the 'sshd' daemon to activate the setting. Actually launching an X client to display on the local X server is even easier once 'sshd' is configured correctly: #------- Using 'sshd' X11 forwarding with X client ------# [quilty@bacchus quilty]$ ssh -X quilty@ quilty@'s password: Last login: Fri Nov 30 16:53:03 2001 from Linux 2.2.19. quilty@delphi:~$ echo $DISPLAY delphi:10.0 quilty@delphi:~$ xeyes & [1] 201 Notice that even though we connected to Delphi, the 'DISPLAY' variable seems to indicate the X server is on Delphi. It is, in a way, but the X server in question is the SSH daemon that ships the display to the appropriate remote computer. Resources ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VNC Resources The AT&T homesite for Virtual Network Computing is: The document "Making VNC more secure using SSH" is a clear description of using VNC and SSH together on Unix-like machines: If you want to use a Windows client instead, please look at "SSH-protected VNC: the case of the Windows client and the Unix server": Official versions of VNC for many platforms can be found at the VNC homesite, including Linux, Solaris, Win32, MacOS (68k and PPC, but not OSX specific), OSF, WinCE, and Java sources. The AT&T VNC site provides links to port of VNC for numerous additional platforms. Those can be found at: Desktop on Call -eComStation- is a rebundling and enhanced version of IBM's OS/2 Warp/Workspace on Demand that puts a particular emphasis on playing well in heterogeneous network environments. Information can be found at: A somewhat out of date IBM page describing -Desktop on Call- can be found at the below URL. There seem to be more recent IBM Japanese pages about DTOC (where IBM is selling the product more actively, apparently), but unfortunately, I cannot read Japanese in order to point to a specific page: Serenity Systems, who provides a version of -Desktop on Call- as part of eComStation, provides an online version of the DTOC v4.0 manual: X Window Resources The homesite for -XFree86- is the best place to look everything related to this popular Free software X Window implementation: Technically, XFree86 is a clone of the official X Window System (much as Linux is a "clone" of Unix(tm)). In practical terms, you do not need to worry about what is official--all the versions play nice with each other. For information on the official system (including available source code), look at: Some commercial implementations of the X Window System are available also. For example, -Accelertated-X-: -Metro-X-: -HOBLink X11- is available for the full range off MS-Windows platforms (Win3.1 through Windows 2000), and for OS/2. The OS/2 version is bundled with Serenity Systems' eComStation. Other Stuff Just for the fun, users might want to check out the "Graphical User Interface Timeline," which might help provide some historical context for X11 and other GUIs: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {Picture of Author:} David Mertz is all things to all people. Computers crash at the very sight of him. David may be reached at; his life pored over at Suggestions and recommendations on this, past, or future, columns are welcomed.