Xml Matters #2
On the Pythonic Treatment of XML Documents As Objects (II)

David Mertz, Ph.D.
Transformer, Gnosis Software, Inc.
Ausust 2000

What Is Xml? What Is Python?

XML is a simplified dialect of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). Many readers will be most familiar with SGML via one particular document type, HTML. XML documents are similar to HTML in being composed of text interspersed with and structured by markup tags in angle-brackets. But XML encompasses many systems of tags that allow XML documents to be used for many purposes: magazine articles and user documentation, files of structured data (like CSV or EDI files), messages for interprocess communication between programs, architectural diagrams (like CAD formats), and many other purposes. A set of tags can be created to capture any sort of structured information one might want to represent, which is why XML is growing in popularity as a common standard for representing diverse information.

Python is a freely available, very-high-level, interpreted language developed by Guido van Rossum. It combines a clear syntax with powerful (but optional) object-oriented semantics. Python is available for almost every computer platform you might find yourself working on, and has strong portability between platforms.

Introduction: The Project

XML Matters #1 introduced the author's project for creating more seamless and natural integration between XML and Python. Modules and packages such as xmllib, xml.sax, pyxie, and xml.dom provide ways of handling XML documents that are common in the XML community. Tools such as these are extremely similar to corresponding modules and libraries for other programming languages. In fact, the organization of many such modules is a direct result of standards created by (language-neutral) XML standards bodies. Consequently, one thing all the abovementioned modules have in common is that they implement very XML-oriented ways of thinking about documents and objects; in many cases this conceptual framework feels like it is tacked on to Python, rather than an integral part of it.

Using Python implementations of general XML protocols has many uses. Standards like DOM are easily portable between programming languages; and programmers of one language can easily pick up and work with DOM-oriented code written in another language. However, there are also times when a Python programmer prefers to code in ways that feel much more like "normal" Python. The Project discussed in these columns is simply to provide a set of "Pythonic" modules for working with XML documents.

As a result of those asymmetries that exist between XML and Python, the Project--at least initially--contains two separate modules: one for representing arbitrary Python objects in XML (xml_pickle); a second one (xml_objectify) for "native" representation of XML documents as Python objects. This article will address the latter module.

-- SIDEBAR: --------------------------------------------
The XML-SIG distribution is changed fairly frequently while it is in beta versions. The changes in turn are extremely likely to affect the functioning of xml_objectify. Therefore, an XML-SIG version known to be compatible with xml_objectify may be found at:
http://gnosis.cx/download/py_xml_04-21-00.exe http://gnosis.cx/download/py_xml_04-21-00.zip
The first URL is the Windows self-installer, the latter is simply an archive of those files to be unpacked under $PYTHONPATH/xml.
Whenever the XML-SIG distribution reaches a release version and/or when the XML package is a part of an official Python release, the current xml_objectify should be updated to work with the official release. The most current xml_objectify should always be available at:

Jumping Ahead: How To Use xml_objectify

The usage of xml_objectify is extremely simple, and is well documented in module docstring comments. Let us take a quick look:

Create a Python object from an XML document

from xml_objectify import XML_Objectify
xml_obj = XML_Objectify('address.xml')
py_obj = xml_obj.make_instance()

There are two steps involved in creating a "native" Python object from a generic XML document (use xml_pickle for handling of special PyObjects.DTD format documents). First you want to create an intermediate DOM-like factory object. Second, you may generate (one or more) Python object instances from the XML_Objectify instance. There is no reason you could not do both steps on the same line, as:

Inline creation of XML/Python object
py_obj = XML_Objectify('address.xml').make_instance()

Of course, in this latter case, the factory object does not stay around to produce more "native" objects, and correspondingly its ._dom data member (which contains a full DOM instance) is cleared.

For comparison, creation of a DOM object need be no more difficult in Python:

Create a DOM object from an XML document
from xml.dom.utils import FileReader
dom_obj = FileReader().readXml(open('address.xml'))

FileReader().readXml() requires an actual file object, while XML_Objectify() may accept either a file object or a plain filename, but in either case, the object creation is a two line action.

The difference between using the xml_objectify module and the xml.dom package is in the type of object one winds up with. A Python DOM object is a genuine Python object, but its attributes and methods do not correspond to the data and structure of the original XML document in as straightforward a way as with the XML_Objectify object. For example, to access the same XML attribute in the sample document, you have a choice between:

[xml.dom] versus [xml_objectify] Python objects

print py_obj.person[1].address.city
print dom_obj.get_childNodes()[1].get_childNodes()[3].\
print dom_obj._node.children[1].children[3].children[3].\

The basic organization of a DOM tree is a strict ordered tree of nodes. It is not hard to enumerate over these nodes, but it is quite cumbersome to refer to specific ones. Making matters worse is that some nodes are whitespace text nodes and processing instruction nodes--which you rarely care about--and finding the subtags in the node list is mostly trial-and-error. In the above example both access to the "native" attributes (e.g. .children) and the DOM-style methods (e.g. .get_childNodes()) are used in different print statements. Either way, it is not easy to see what datum in the XML document is being referenced.

On the other hand, the first print statement above pretty much documents itself. Python's zero-based list indexing must be noted, as usual. Beyond that minor caveat, the line just says: "Print the city of the address of the second person in the addressbook" ("New York" is what is printed by each statement). To help you out further, py_obj.__class__ is "addressbook", corresponding to the root element of the XML document (and every attribute that might contain more than simple text is an instance of a class named according to the XML tag defining it).

Design Issues

-WHY NOT JUST USE xml.dom?- xml_objectify makes wide use of DOM internally. In fact, every XML_Objectify instance contains a ._dom attribute that is a DOM tree for the XML document opened (but the instance created by .make_instance does not contain any DOM, and is the class type of the root tag). The problem with DOM is that it is just to hard to use, and the syntax is too obscure. The above examples illustrate this. Python "native" objects are much easier to program with.

-INTROSPECTIVE EXPECTATIONS- With xml_objectify, you can take advantage of all your existing generic functions. The function pyobj_printer() included in the module is a sample generic function. This function produces a "pretty" recursive representation of any Python object. By representing your XML documents as "native" Python documents, you can get a lot of reuse out of existing functions that deal with Python objects in abstract ways. Of course, a DOM object still is a Python object of sorts, but as in the above usage example, its attributes are mostly a bunch of nested .children lists; and these are not all that helpful semantically (try printing a DOM object with the provided generic function).

-TRICKS WITH CLASS BEHAVIOR- A subtle trick done by xml_objectify is that it will only dynamically define a class for an attribute value if that class has not already been defined. What this accomplishes is that it lets you define classes with complex behavior and attributes in which to pour specific XML document contents. For example, if the class person is pre-defined with various methods (including an .__init__() method if needed), each "person" in the XML addressbook imported in the above sample code will have whatever behaviors it has been given, including methods that operate on the data poured into the instance. Of course, if a class is not pre-defined prior to 'XML_Objectify()'ing a document, the class is just a container for the attributes defined in the actual XML.

Limitations And Special Behaviors

-CHARACTER MARKUP- Some XML tags are block-level, but some are character-level. The most natural Python representation--at least to the author's mind--is different in the two cases. Block-level tags are the norm; each block-level subtag is easily represented by an attribute of the parent tag that is named after the subtag, and the value of the subtag-attribute is a new Python object also of a type named after the subtag. For example, a <person> might have an <address> and <misc-info>. It is nice to Pythonically refer to these as person.address and person.misc_info.

However, when the contents of a tag are a mixture of some text data and some markup of that data (often typographic in nature), the subtags really are not something the parent tag has. For example, a misc_info object does not really have ital attributes in the above hierarchical way. So how should we represent some XML like?

<misc-info>One of the <ital>most</ital> talented actresses on TV.</misc-info>

The approach of xml_objectify is to add a special attribute called ._XML to objects/tags that seem to contain marked-up character data. This attribute contains the literal XML inside a tag, if the programmer wants it. The pyobj_printer() function, for example, will display this literal XML instead of recursive attributes if the ._XML attribute exists for a given nested object. However, the standard recursive subtag-object creation is still performed, so the programming requirement can look at whatever attributes and structures are most relevant.

-NATIVE PYTHON OBJECTS CONTAIN ROOT DOCUMENT ONLY- Many XML documents contain processing instructions and/or comments in addition to their tags and character data contents. However, the Python "native" object created by the .make_instance() method of an XML_Objectify object contains only the contents of the document root tag. Furthermore, XML comments are ignored; only tag attributes and character data is represented.

If you keep around the original XML_Objectify object (xml_obj in the first example above), you can access its .processing_instruction attribute, or even its ._dom attribute to look at what was left out of the "native" Python object.

-ATTRIBUTE TYPE SIMPLIFICATION- All XML attributes are converted to Python object attributes of string type. No effort is currently made to represent XML enumerated types, or even to represent numeric types for attributes. Such capabilities might be added to later versions, but these would generally require the presence of a DTD, which xml_objectify does not assume.

-SUBTAGS ATTRIBUTES ARE EITHER LISTS OR INSTANCES- XML subtags are represented by either Python attributes of object type or by lists of such objects (depending on whether there are one or several such subtags of the same type). The decision whether to use a list of objects as an attribute value is decided simply by whether a particular tag contains multiple subtags of the same type. For example, in the provided address.xml sample, some person's contact-info includes one home-phone, some includes zero, and some includes several. Corresponding to this, some contact_info objects will have no .home_phone attribute at all, some will have a .home_phone attribute containing a home_phone object, and some will have a .home_phone attribute containing a list of home_phone objects. It would be possible to impose more order if a DTD was used, but the author believes this kind of dynamism is appropriate to most types of Python programming.

-PYTHON NAMESPACE RESTRICTIONS- The Python namespace is smaller than the XML namespace. Therefore, sometimes XML names (of either tags or attributes) have to be modified. The specific transformation made is changing dashes, colons, and the pound/hash mark, into underscores. Further namespace collision is not avoided. For example, if your XML document has tags, <spam-eggs>, <spam_eggs>, <spam:eggs> and <spam#eggs>, xml_objectify will create Python objects that do not correctly represent your XML document. Or maybe the module will outright crash, or maybe it will break your data and fry your machine. Probably not the latter problems, but the current version of xml_objectify simply does not take this namespace collision into account. In real-life, it will rarely create any problems, since you probably do not have XML documents with those conflicting tags.

-NO EXPORT BACK TO XML- Initially, the author considered including a capability for converting Python "native" objects back to XML documents with the same structure as those read-in. That goal was not included in the current version because there are many implementation issues that are not easy to resolve. Basically, xml_objectify deliberately throws out some information in XML documents in order to produce far friendlier Python objects. However, once information is gone, the best you can do is guess at what it was. One principle type of information that is lost is about order. Python attributes do not have any predetermined order among them, but XML tags and attributes might be required to occur in specific sequence. Or even where XML tags are not required to occur in specific order, the order might be semantically important (in the case of repeated common subtags, Python lists maintain order). In order to convert back to XML, we would either need to choose arbitrary orders, or somehow tuck away order information within the "native" Python object (which might make it feel less "native").

One option that would make it possible to go much of the way towards reconstructing dropped information in the Python objects produced by .make_instance() would be to enforce a DTD in writing back to XML. Even if this additional work was performed, questions would still exist about how to handle attributes added, deleted, or modified at Python runtime (modifying a Python object could produce something that was not conformant to the DTD of the original XML document). However, any capability added will be added to later version of xml_objectify (and probably only if a specific need arises for users).


Charming Python #1: An Introduction to XML Tools for Python


Charming Python #2: A Closer Look at Python's xml.dom Module


XML Matters #1: About xml_pickle


The Python Special Interest Group on XML:


The World Wide Web Consortium's DOM page.


The DOM Level 1 Recommendation.


Files used and mentioned in this article:


About The Author

Picture of Author David Mertz cannot fool all of the people all of the time, but sometimes he wishes he could. David may be reached at [email protected]; his life pored over athttp://gnosis.cx/publish/. Suggestions and recommendations on this, past, or future, columns are welcomed.