(c) WestTech, 2002 -- may be freely distributed if unaltered XML ZONE TIP: Creating Valid XML with OOP Programming Squeezing OOP data into XML rules David Mertz, Ph.D. Gesticulator, Gnosis Software, Inc. February, 2002 This tip points to some techniques programmers in object oriented languages can use to programmatically ensure the validity of XML documents at the time of their creation. INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ XML has something of a dual identity. On the one hand, in its SGML roots, XML is a way of expressing formally and rigidly structured data--DTD's and XML Schemas describe said structures. On the other hand, as seen by popular APIs--DOM, SAX and XSLT, but also by other XML libraries--XML is merely a way of indicating generically hierarchical data. Unfortunately, the two sides communicate poorly. The *creation* of valid documents falls outside these APIs (validation is usually ghettoized to the parse phase). However, by using just a few special strategies one can convince OOP objects to look at least a lot like valid XML. WHAT MAKES UP VALIDITY? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The sorts of validity constraints one can express with a DTD differ somewhat from those one can express with a W3C XML Schema. For this tip, I will focus on issues common to the different validity constraint specification styles. The basic idea of XML validity is to specify -what- can occur inside an element, how -often- it can occur, and what -alternatives- exist about what can occur. As well, when multiple things can occur inside an element, the order of occurence can be specified (or left open, as needed). Let us look at a highly simplified hypothetical 'dissertation.dtd': #---- A "dissertation" DTD with all basic constraints ---# In other words, a dissertation -may- contain -one- dedication, -must- contain (one or more) chapters, and -may- contain (zero or more) appendixes. The various subelement occur in the listed order (if at all). Some elements contain only character data. In the case of the '' tag, it may contain -either- character data -or- a '
' subelement -or- a '' subelement. Structures can nest, but every basic validity concept is in the example. MAKING AN OBJECT LOOK LIKE A DOCUMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Although DOM does not do so, OOP languages have all the basic data structures to represent validity (some languages more completely than others). The trick, basically, is to create objects whose attributes are constrained so as to only allow the allowable things into them. Whether this is done at compile time or runtime depends on the language used, but either approach can introduce needed constraints. In any case, creating the right sorts of objects is something to do for each document type, not generically for all of XML. XML documents are hierarchical, and objects that can contain other objects as attributes are likewise hierarchical. At a first brush, this general hierarchy gives us a homomorphism. We just need to pick a few object types for the various attributes. At a document root--and at other levels underneath it--we want to specify the specific children that can occur, and their order. Two approaches come to mind. One option is to create a heterogeneous sequence of the things that occur in the element. Haskell and Python tuples have the nice quality of being immutable (as are, e.g., Fortran records), but a regular list or array (e.g. of void pointers) can serve also. For example, in Ruby we might "declare": #----- Init'ing Ruby "Root" class with member "part" ----# dissertation = Root.new [ Maybe_dedication.new, \ Some_chapter.new, \ Any_appendix.new ] # Example of accessing part of root element sequence dissertation.part[1].addchapter(some, arguments, here) The example leaves open exactly what the classes 'Maybe_dedication', 'Some_chapter' and 'Any_appendix' do, but contains the sequence idea. 'dissertation' is an instance of the class 'Root', whose job it is to hold a sequence (and probably has a few other methods, like writing the XML or validating the current instance). A second approach that is easier in many languages is to make the things occur as the root attributes directly, but reserve a special attribute that indicates the sequence. For example, Java might do something like: #--- Java class to hold dissertation parts as members ---# public class dissertation { Maybe dedication = new Maybe(dedication_type); Some chapter = new Some(chapter_type); Any appendix = new Any(appendix_type); Seq _seq = new Seq[] {dedication, chapter, appendix}; } /* Access is somewhat more natural now */ dissertation.chapter.add(some, arguments, here); EXPRESSING QUANTIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We have seen that the "parts" of elements can be allowed to occur in various number: one or zero; one or more; zero or more. We need objects to represent these quantities. The "possibility" case (zero or more) is straightforwardly represented by standard (homogeneous) sequences--lists, arrays, vectors, or whatever the langauges calls them and provides. In order to provide other behaviors, it is probably worth wrapping a basic sequence in a custom class. The "limitation" case (one or zero, i.e. not more than one) has less of an obvious structure. Most likely a 'Maybe' class (and descendents like 'Maybe_dedication') should be built around a basic sequence object, with guards against adding more than one thing in the provided methods. This is similar to our example for the "existential" case (one or more). So let us look at a possible (incomplete) Python implementation: #------ Python class to hold "one or more" things -------# class ExistentialList(UserList.UserList): def __init__(self, tag=None, initlist=[]): if tag is None: raise ValueError, "Must specify tag name" self.tag = tag UserList.__init__(self, initlist) def __delitem__(self, i): del self.data[i] self.validate() def __repr__(self): self.validate() return '\n'.join(['<%s>%s' % (self.tag, item, self.tag) for item in self.data]) def validate(self): if not len(initlist): raise "ExistentialError", "List must have length >= 1" A more robust example might add features like checks for proper item types in the '.append()', '.extend()', '.__setitem__()' and other methods that can add to the list. A language with static typing would simply declare the type of things in the list, but would use a similar validation of size. In C++, one might use templates and generic programming to implement the general features of an' ExistentialList', but specialize to subelement type. An important feature for every object that represents a subelement is the ability to serialize itself to XML. Python reserves a "magic" method called '__repr__()'; other language might use a method called '.write()' or '.toXML()'. The serialization also needs recursively to descend into children, which is handled "automatically" by Python with the magic method. In other cases, some manual calls on attribute objects will be needed. EXPRESSING DISJUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alternation between occurrence patterns is more difficult to express in most OOP languages. There are a few languages--like Pascal, Fortran, and most elegantly Haskell--that allow enumerated types (discriminated union), but these are the exception, not the rule. In most languages, one just has to add custom checking to make sure one of the allowable things is contained by an instance. One might program polymorphic constructor functions, perhaps by providing multiple type signatures to the constructors. Each allowable thing in an alternation pattern would have a constructor (including, possibly, sequence types where quantifiers are used with the disjoins). However, a more flexible approach is to use a generic framework that receives its alternation list either via initialization arguments, or by inheritence from an "Or" superclass. Such a child might look like: #----- Python specialization of "Or" abstract class -----# class paragraph(Or): disjoins = (PCDATA, figure, table) Assuming the base functionality of the abstract class "Or" knows to look for a 'disjoins' class member, this could be sufficient specialization. Naturaly, guarded setters and getters need be defined in the parent (in the Python case, probably with magic methods). CONCLUSION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Using data classes with some constraints on the values contained therein allows us to mirror the validity requirements of XML documents. Containment of classes can be structured in the same manner containment of subelements. With a good framework of base classes in place, one can basicaly directly copy a DTD into a set of class definitions or initializations. Instances becomes members of other instances, and eventually one winds up with a "root" object instance whose self and attributes have various methods for manipulating data in ways that cannot break the validity requirements (in contrast to how easily one can break validity with basic types like strings and arrays). At the end of the manipulation, the root object should have some method to write out the XML--recursively descending into its attribute instances--which produces a fully grown valid XML document. An 'ExistentialList', for example, can contain other 'ExistentialList' objects, nested serialization (the 'print' statement) works beautifully with the given sample. RESOURCES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Everything one really -needs- to know about XML is in the Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 W3C Recommendation. Of course understanding exactly what this signifies requires some subtlety: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml _XML Matters_ #7 compared DTDs and Schemas. For the issues with each, take a look there. ABOUT THE AUTHOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {Picture of Author: http://gnosis.cx/cgi-bin/img_dqm.cgi} David Mertz uses a wholly unstructured brain to write about structured document formats. David may be reached at mertz@gnosis.cx; his life pored over at http://gnosis.cx/publish/.